Best Christmas Gifts for Fantasy Nerds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We are very excited to share with you the best Christmas gifts for Fantasy Nerds. Did we create this list for you, or to give our friends and family ideas on what to buy us for Christmas? It’s definitely both…we want all the things! 


We Fantasy Nerds love to read! If you really want to make us happy on Christmas Day, just ask for our book list and order a few. If you want to make it a surprise, check out our list of best adult book series and best YA book series for some ideas on our favorite book recommendations. Or here are a few new releases that are coming out around the holidays that we would LOVE to receive (hint, hint): 

  • One of Clever’s favorite YA authors has a new adult fantasy series that she is dying to read, Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo.
  • One of WTF’s favorite authors, Holly Black, releases the finale to the Folk of Air trilogy, Queen of Nothing, on November 19th.

Hogwarts House Pride

A true Fantasy Nerd will know their Hogwarts house, so just ask if you don’t know. (Clever is a Ravenclaw, and WTF is a Slytherin.) Be careful though, if you bring this up in casual conversation you may be talking about Harry Potter for quite a while! Once you find out which house to shop for, you can easily find various Hogwarts merchandise at Books-a-Million, ThinkGeek, or Hot Topic stores, among others. We’ve also suggested a few products on Amazon that we would love to have: 

  • We are all about this Sorting Hat mug that reveals your Hogwarts house when you fill it with hot liquid.
  • This fancy display holder would be the best place to store our Wizarding World wands. 

Subscription Boxes

You would be surprised by the number of fantasy-related subscription gift boxes that you can find. In fact, when we looked into it we had to stop each other from spending all our money. It only worked because we promised to buy some as Christmas gifts this year! Here are a few that look awesome:

  • Fae Crate: This is a fantasy crate that mostly features fae-themed books, trinkets, and a t-shirt. Who doesn’t love fae?! Their December theme is Of Legends and Lore. 
  • Enchanted Fandom: This is a fandom based box that features a different fandom theme each month from books, TV, movies, and more. They also have a drinking vessel box that comes with a unique fandom based mug, water bottle, etc. WTF would love the December Nightmare Before Christmas themed drinking vessel box!
  • Fairy Loot: This is a YA fantasy book box featuring themed bookish goodies. The December box, Defying the Odds, will feature items inspired by Throne of Glass and Game of Thrones!
  • Magical Reads Crate: This fantasy book crate is different because it is a crate geared towards adults who love to read YA books. Their November crate is still available and we are hyped for the Under the Sea theme!

Anything Involving Mythical Creatures

Because what Fantasy Nerd doesn’t love magical creatures?! All you have to do to make us happy is to buy us anything that has Dragons, Mermaids, or Unicorns on it. It should be pretty easy to find something wherever you shop, but here’s a few ideas:

  • We can hardly believe that you can put fairies, mermaids, and unicorns inside these DIY lanterns.
  • This unique bracelet with a hidden message telling you to “be a f*cking unicorn” (you can also get one that says “I believe in unicorns”). 

Board Games

If you’re a Fantasy Nerd, you have probably played a few board games. Board games are excellent for a fireside gathering of all your Fantasy Nerd friends! There’s nothing like an immersive fantasy game to pull you into a new realm where you can adventure with your comrades. An incredible game called HeroScape is precisely for that. It is a build your own terrain as you go kind of game, you pick factions and each character figure has its own card stats. For example you can get Elves, different types of Dragons, various magic wielders and much, MUCH more! The objective is to completely wipe out your other opponents, you can play with as little as two people. If this isn’t the perfect Fantasy Nerd game, I don’t know what is! 

Another game I want to mention is Betrayal at House on the Hill. This is my all-time favorite board game I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. In fact, I own two copies and the expansion. This is technically a horror game but they make a Dungeons and Dragons version called Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate, which has a more fantasy feel. This game is, like HeroScape mentioned above, a build the terrain as you go game. Each time you play is different, and each time you play one of your fellow comrades becomes the “traitor” which is triggered later on in the game, after you’ve built up a pretty decent map. Each character has different stats, which can help or hurt later in the game. Every time a traitor is revealed there are two sets of rules, one goes to the traitor and the other to the survivors. Depending on how the traitor was revealed you will embark on one of fifty scenarios. If you have the expansion it adds another fifty scenarios! It’s impossible to get bored of this game because it is ever-changing, always new, and full of fun and excitement. 


So Etsy is an amazing site to find handmade goods that are unique, and there are endless possibilities to find fantasy items. For example; I have an Etsy store called Fantasy Loot! I hand make every single item in my shop, from Hearthstones I make out of clay, leather bracers, resin charms, various potion trinkets and a lot more. My favorite items I make are Hearthstones; I have earrings, necklaces, key chains and glow in the dark Hearthstones. I also make Runescape Runes for all you old school players. Clever’s favorite items are the Dragon Eye Pendant (I made her a purple one) and the elven necklaces. Check out my shop if you’re interested!

We hope you enjoyed our list of the best Christmas gifts for Fantasy Nerds! Feel free to share this post with your family and friends when they ask what you want for Christmas. Did we leave anything out that you think would make a great gift? Tell us what you want for Christmas!

If you want even more gift ideas, you can check out our post on the Best Christmas Gifts for Writers!

If you found this post helpful, we would love for you to leave a comment, or even buy us a cup of coffee! We promise to share!

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Thanks for reading,

Clever and WTF

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