
I thought “Well, what’s the point of living, then?”

I woke up in the middle of the night with this thought in my head. It had my mind racing, because I’ve often had these thoughts, but this time it was as if a separate voice in my head was telling me. The result of those thoughts were me trying to fight back and give reasons to myself, and various things big or small, that help me see the point of living.

This post isn’t necessarily a story, but something I’ve struggled with, especially recently, that I think would help anyone reading during these times. I start with the little things, what parts about your day make you happy? It may be a warm, freshly brewed cup of coffee that surrounds you with a sweet aroma. Or a tail wagging, bright eyed dog that greets you every morning with love and kisses. The sound of turning a crisp page in a new book, or your favorite book, and inhaling that unique scent. I think it’s important to focus on those little things that make you happy, and try to make time for them. Thoroughly enjoy them!

It’s also important to take time for yourself, take a hot bath, have a glass of wine, relax and unwind, let go of everything that’s weighing on you. Spend quality time with those you feel closest to and most comfortable with; whether it’s snuggling up with your spouse, or having a phone call with your family! Something that helps me personally is to take a walk, or a hike, and spend time with nature. Breathing in that fresh air, looking at the world around me and the absolute beauty of it.

I’ll leave you all with a quote that I live by. The full quote feels relevant for us all I think; “I wish it need not have happened in my time.” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

Thank you so much for reading! We hope you enjoyed this post, let us know in the comments below! As always if you enjoy our blog feel free to buys us a cup of coffee, we promise to share!

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-Clever & WTF

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