New Year’s Writing Resolutions
Happy New Year! We thought a great way to start off the New Year would be to share some of our writing-related goals with you and ask you to share some of yours. Let’s encourage each other along our journeys!
Connect with Our Community
One big goal that both of us want to focus on this year is connecting with our community of readers and writers! Since the beginning of this blog, one of the most surprising and rewarding things has been the connections we’ve made with other bloggers and writers, here and on social media. Also, the immense support of our family and friends who have continued to read our stories and share their encouragement. We want to continue to grow that connection and spend more time interacting with all of you in meaningful ways.
If you are a fellow blogger or a part of the writing community, please let us know in the comments! We’ve never been about follows-for-follows, but we do promise to check out your blog/social media. We will follow and/or comment if we see some common ground or find that what you are writing fits with our interests, and all we ask is that you give us the chance to earn your interest! Even if we’ve already connected, feel free to let us know about a project that you are really excited about, so we can encourage you!
Build Back a Solid Writing Routine
I think the past year has thrown off many of our routines, and there’s no shame in that. I used to have a pretty solid routine of writing almost daily. I tracked my progress in my bullet journal and rewarded myself. My goal is to build back up that routine to where it once was.
If your writing routine has been thrown off this past year, or you are ready to build one for the first time, you can check out this post we did a while back on How to Maintain Your Writing Habit. You can also join our Facebook group “Clever & WTF’s Fantasy Nerds” for daily writing check-ins and encouragement.
I’ve always struggled with being organized, but it’s a huge hindrance in my every day life as well as my writing goals. Thankfully since starting this blog Clever has helped me stay on top of being organized, as well as sticking to a schedule for our writing projects. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in any areas you struggle with! This is a big resolution for me, I want to implement organization in every aspect of my life, and especially with my writing!
An important part of being organized for me is to do a little bit daily to maintain my environment, whether that’s a load of laundry, the dishes, or making sure your work space is clean and you know where all of your writing implements are. Just like with writing, it’s extremely important to write even a small amount as often as you can without burning yourself out! Staying on top of your goals and keeping your head clear by being organized can make a huge difference. What do you do to stay organized?
Rest Days
I know for me it can be difficult to stick to a solid routine, especially if your work schedule changes or you’re working from home right now. What helps me is to make a weekly routine that incorporates rest days, just like working out, it’s important to have a day to rest your muscles so they can rebuild! Routines and rest days go hand in hand!
Depending on how far ahead my work schedule is, I’ll jot down a schedule in my writing planner for at least one week ahead, but I aim to plan out a whole month if possible. My goal is to stick to a weekly routine that includes one rest day to replenish my writing juices!
What About You?
What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? Are any writing related? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoy our blog, feel free to buy us a cup of coffee, we promise to share!
-Clever & WTF