The Enchantress’ Challenge: The Gorgon

With a roar, Kavarus pierces the beast’s heart with his longsword. Now, I am ready, he thinks smugly. If he can slay the great Cyclops, then he can face any challenge the enchantress might throw his way.
Kavarus marches home, stopping outside of his stone dwelling to clean his sword. Once it is glistening, he places it on the rack with his other weapons. He takes off his armor before pulling out the parchment that mysteriously appeared to all the great heroes of the land a moon ago. He reads it again:
I have grown bored, as any immortal is bound to do after 300 years of life. To celebrate my third centennial, I would like to issue a challenge to the mightiest heroes of the realm. If you accept my challenge, travel to the caves at the outskirts of Shadesmere. Defeat the monster that you find there. Once your task is complete, I will deliver instructions for your next test. Whosoever overcomes all my tests will be granted their heart’s desire.
– Aurantia
Kavarus places the note in his pack, and begins to load it with supplies. He attaches a bedroll for the long journey ahead. He will gather his weapons in the morning. Though he is anxious to begin, he thinks it best to have a night’s rest first.
His thoughts return to what lies ahead as he drifts off to sleep. The entire realm knows of Aurantia, the most powerful enchantress of their time. Had anyone else promised to grant Kavarus his heart’s desire, he would have scoffed. But Aurantia might just be able to give it to him.
After a two day’s ride, Kavarus enters the cobblestone paths of Shadesmere. The hoofbeats are loud in the quiet night. Trees grow right up to the edge of the town, their branches nearly bare in the chill of fall. He finds the only inn and enters to rent a room for the night. A fireplace flickers invitingly, but the inn is empty except for a plump woman with greying hair. The innkeeper looks him up and down.
“You must be here for the enchantress’ challenge,” she says. “Many strapping young lads like yourself have rented a room here, boasting of their intent to slay the monster in the caves. I tell them exactly where to find those caves, but none of them have ever come back.”
Kavarus laughs off the ominous statement. “I won’t boast to you then,” he replies. “I’ll just take a room, a hot meal, and a cup of ale.”
She smiles and indulges him. “Your room will be up the stairs, first door on the left.” She hands him a key. “By the time you get settled, I’ll have your meal ready.”
The innkeeper is true to her word. She delivers a steaming haunch of meat with boiled potatoes, stew, and a large roll within minutes. Kavarus devours the meal, while the innkeeper lights the small fire in his room.
“Anything else I can get you?”
“Do you happen to know anything about the monster in the cave?” he asks.
“I’ve heard many tales, but I haven’t the faintest idea which of them might be true, if any of ‘em,” she replies with a chuckle.
Kavarus smiles warmly.
She suddenly turns serious. “I do know that whatever’s in that cave has scared off most who used to live in this town. A few children disappeared before anyone realized that there might be something to the tales they told as the boys dared each other to go in the caves at night. If a hero like yourself could kill the beast, it might bring some life back into this place and avenge those poor dears.”
“I’m deeply sorry for what happened to the children, and your town. I will do my best to see justice done.”
“A charming man like you, well, I do hope you make it through alright,” she says, patting him on the shoulder before leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Kavarus trains in the morning to warm up his muscles and settle his nerves. Then, the innkeeper provides him a hearty breakfast and directions to the caves. His horse picks its way through the cramped forest until they reach their destination. Kavarus observes the entrance to the caves for a moment before dismounting. Seeing nothing of note, he steps inside.
The sun stretches its fingers into the cave through holes and crevasses, lighting the way as Kavarus ventures deeper. It is silent except for the crunch of his boots on fallen pebbles and the dripping of water in the distance. Kavarus is taken aback by the gradual appearance of statues, like the monster who lived here was carving them out of stone. In the dim light, it takes him a moment to notice that they are shaped like people.
Fascinated at the prospect of a beast intelligent and talented enough to craft such sculptures, he begins to examine them, nearly forgetting his task. Until something he sees sends a deep fear into the pit of his stomach.
Kavarus recognizes one of the statues. It is the exact likeness of a hero that once helped him to defeat a hydra. He was a talented warrior, not one to go down easily. His face is a stone mask of terror. This hero was turned to stone. That could only mean one thing…a gorgon.
Kavarus hears the sound of something slithering across the stone floor. He lifts his shield in front of his face, using the reflection to see behind him. At first he sees the gorgon’s lower half, the body of an enormous serpent sliding towards him. He raises his eyes to see the chest of a woman and her hair of writhing snakes. The reflection of her cold reptilian eyes pierces through him. Seeing his shield, she stretches her mouth into a grimace and hisses at the hero, forked tongue darting out.
The gorgon lunges for him, striking out like a cobra, but he spins out of her reach. He keeps turning and uses the momentum to swing his sword at the gorgon’s neck. She ducks and one of the snakes on her head bites into Kavarus’ arm. He sucks in a sharp breath.
He is quick though, and takes another swing at her lower half . She cackles as his sword bounces off the impenetrable scales that cover her snake body. Any normal man would have dropped the sword at the vibrations that shoot up his arm. Kavarus holds tight and never takes his eyes off his shield. The gorgon has found a worthy opponent.
While she’s distracted, Kavarus takes another swing at her neck. This time the sword catches the side of her neck as she slides away. She grits her teeth and flicks her bronze claws. Darting out, she slashes at his leg and chest. Unable to lower his shield for fear of her gaze, he can only jump back to stop the claws from digging deep.
Blood seeps from his wounds, but Kavarus has no time to concern himself with that. He pushes forward, using his shield to strike the gorgon’s face while punching his sword right through her chest. A rush of air escapes the gorgon’s mouth in a sad hiss. Kavarus pulls his sword free, and she collapses to the ground.
Far away, an enchantress watches the scene in a scrying pool made of black stone. At the gorgon’s defeat, she smiles wickedly. Things have finally gotten interesting, she thinks. Her tall black boots click on the cottage floor, peeking through the slits in her purple and black dress, as she walks to her desk. She scribbles a message on a piece of parchment, pushing a lock of red hair back from her face.
With a snap of her fingers, a scroll appears in front of Kavarus in a puff of purple smoke. He unrolls it to read the note:
You have completed my first test. It will only get harder from here. Travel to Shadow’s End and inquire about the Cavern of the Dead. If you can survive the cavern, I will send you further instructions.
What Do You Think?
What do you think of the story so far? What spooky challenges do you think Kavarus will face next? (Our favorite may just get a spot in the story!) To celebrate spooky season, we will be releasing chapters of The Enchantress’ Challenge each week! Click here to read chapter 2, The Cavern of the Dead. Follow us to get emails when further chapters post.
Thanks so much for reading!
-Clever & WTF
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if this was a book, i would defo buy it!
Yay! Thank you so much!!!
[…] This is the second chapter of The Enchantress’ Challenge. If you haven’t read the first chapter, The Gorgon, you can read it here. […]
Wow! Great story! Excellent re-telling of Gorgon myth!
Thank you so much!
PS Great battle descriptions in both parts 1 & 2! Really felt like I was there taking part in the fight! Good tension and good hook: I’m wondering who the Enchantress is, who/what the monsters are and whether or not he will succeed and get his heart’s desire. Wondering what his hearts desire might be. Also imagining what my heart’s desire might be if I were in his shoes! Looking forward to Part 3!
I’m so glad you are hooked! We’re both really enjoying writing this story, and I’m glad to know our readers are enjoying it too!
[…] This is the third chapter in The Enchantress’ Challenge. To start from the beginning, click here. […]
[…] This is the fourth and final chapter in The Enchantress’ Challenge. To start from the beginning, click here. […]