Setting Up a Writing Spot

Items to Make Your Space Comfy

First and foremost, you want your writing space to be somewhere you enjoy spending time. Make sure you have enough space to write, a comfortable chair, and an ambiance that leaves you feeling creative. Clever has a large desk with an extra monitor and keeps a pillow with a quote from one of her favorite book series on her chair.

WTF has a very comfortable gaming chair, a large L-shaped desk for space, inspirational posters, tons of blankets, and her favorite action figures and plushies to cheer her on. Both of us have a bookshelf of our favorites next to our desks, and hopefully, one day we have our own novel to add to it. It’s vital to be surrounded by things that will inspire you, and make you enthused to be in your space to write!

Writing Tools

There are various preferences on how writers like to write, but you will need some type of tool to get those wonderful words down on paper. You might have a laptop, notebook, pen, or typewriter. Clever most often writes on her laptop, but she does have a typewriter for when she needs to switch things up. We also love to take a bullet journal with us when we’re out and about to jot down any ideas or write in a new location. 

Something to Put You in a Writing Mood

It can be helpful to have something to signal to your brain that it’s writing time, especially if you’re working on building your writing habit. This could be a candle, something you wear, a playlist, or a specific drink. Or you can try something out of the box, like this reversible stuffed animal that Clever uses. She keeps him on a frowny face unless she’s writing. Then she flips him around to see his smile!


You will also want to keep some items nearby for when you feel stuck and need inspiration. Some ideas that we use are writing craft books, favorite books in your genre, prompt books, or a quote board. Clever has an inspirational board near her desk. Music is also an excellent tool to get you in the writing mood, it can be your favorite artist, some tavern ambiance, or even the sound of rain pattering to transport you into the right headspace for writing. WTF has a speaker and a noise-canceling headset in her writing spot to choose from when she needs to feel musical inspiration.


It’s important to reward your good habits, at least periodically. Clever likes to use a habit tracker that she keeps in a journal on her desk, so she gets to color in a box each time she writes. She will also reward herself occasionally, after she’s built up a lot of writing days, with a new book or writing-related goody! It’s great to keep your rewards related to writing to keep building up that habit, but self-care is another excellent idea. Maybe some scented bath bombs to help you relax while you brainstorm for writing projects!

What Do You Think?

What do you have at your writing spot? Were there any items we mentioned that you might like to add to your area? Let us know in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading!

-Clever & WTF

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