The Hollow Tree
There is a legend in my small town, about our Hollow Tree. No one knows how long it has been there, and no one knows where it came from. It has been a focal point of our culture since any of us can remember. The Hollow Tree earned its name because it is seemingly hollow. When you rap on the ancient wood it echoes as if nothing is inside, and it is covered with iridescent runes, the shape of which are unknown to us. The runes have a rhythmic hum, faint and eerie, coupled with a slight glow.
It is believed that the Tree can grant your deepest desires, if It thinks your desires are worthy. You simply place your hand on the Hollow Tree, inhale deeply, close your eyes and focus all of your thoughts on your desires. But, doing this is forbidden. Long ago, well before my time, a man approached the Hollow Tree with his darkest desires, and it caused the decimation of our former city. Our city of the past was a marvel, the largest point of trade in the world, bustling with citizens and outsiders alike. The main castle that housed many of the richest folk reached the clouds, it is said, and was three-hundred times the size of our town now; only ruins of the past.
The man, whose name is long-forgotten, saw the former city as a poison. He believed that it was growing too quickly, attracting evil, and rotting from within. The richest folk were sucking the rest of the citizens dry for their own personal gains, piling on to their hoards of riches. He could see evil within their eyes, and foresaw a future even worse for not only the city, but the entire world. The man approached the Hollow Tree, and breathed with the rhythm of the glowing runes, pouring out his thoughts and visions of the wicked city he saw before him. The Hollow Tree agreed with the man with a blinding flash of light. Shortly after, the largest building of the city cracked, and toppled to the ground with a roar like thunder. In it’s wake most of the city was destroyed, and all of the richest folk perished with it.
Only the poorest and most humble survived, including the man. But, he fled the city, afraid of the repercussions, but firm in the belief he had done the right thing, because the Hollow Tree found him worthy. Some do believe he did the right thing, seeking the Tree for aid, and some see him as the evil one, destroying progress. I am not certain what I think, for I was not there, but I do love our quaint town, and my simple life.
The Hollow Tree is now guarded non-stop, by a few exalted in our society, trusted enough to guard the fates. These guards are adorned with armor, and their own magic runes for protection and power. It has been at least three decades since anyone has even attempted to approach the Hollow Tree, but the guards still stand, watching and waiting.
I reside in my own small stone cottage, ivy growing up the walls and seeping through the cracks, their leaves smiling at me. I hunt, tend my garden, and in my free time paint or sew. But, I do have desires. Desires I have suppressed for a long time. The Lunar Celebration is approaching, and there is always a small window of opportunity when the guards, everyone in the town, joins together for a sacred dance in the moonlight. I decided maybe, just maybe, I will try my hand at awakening the Hollow Tree.
I want to wield magic, magic like the elders give to the guards, but stronger. I can create small remedies from plants, but that is not enough for me. If the Hollow Tree thinks I am worthy, it may grant me the abilities I desire. I have been mulling over my plans for some time, to use a draught and slip it into the ceremonial chalice we all drink from before the Lunar Dance, putting every citizen in town asleep for a short time. I have been building up my immunity to it slowly over years, so that I will not be suspicious. I will approach the Hollow Tree while they sleep, pour out my thoughts, feelings, and desires. Then, I will slip back to the Lunar Dance, and pretend I was asleep like the rest of the town. The plan was full-proof, the only question that remained was will the Hollow Tree find me worthy?
Thank you so much for reading! What do you think will happen when our main character approaches the Hollow Tree? Let us know in the comments below, and find out if you were right in the conclusion!
[…] This is the conclusion to WTF’s story. If you haven’t read part 1, you can find it here. […]