In the Pages of a Book – Chapter 3

This story is part of a collaborative series. You can start reading from the beginning here. Chapter 3 – Lucas’ Story Lucas felt his mom tap on his shoulder, and he pulled one earbud out but didn’t take his eyes off his phone. His favorite streamer was live right now playing the beta of a new game.  “Do you want […]

In the Pages of a Book – Chapter 2

If you haven’t read Chapter 1, you can do so here! Chapter 2 – Alyssa’s Story I had been pacing my room back and forth all day. I couldn’t help but fidget with anything I could get my hands on, my mind racing. Currently, my victim was a bending straw, I was wiggling it back and forth until it wore […]

In the Pages of a Book

Chapter 1 – Charles’ Story The doctor said to let him know what Charles wanted to do, like there was even really a choice. Immense suffering and the loss of any number of pleasures that make life worth living, or to not have a life left to live at all. It was obvious which choice was the lesser of two […]

Best Adult Fantasy Series – Part 2

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! It’s been quite a while since we posted our list of best adult fantasy books, and unsurprisingly we’ve read quite a few more since then. So, we decided that some of these books deserved to be added to this list. Here is part 2 of our list of best adult fantasy books! Temeraire Series by Naomi Novik […]