Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 6

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 6

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading with part 6 below!

“I think we should include other students in our lessons,” Mildred said. “I’ve noticed there are others like me, who know the old ways and are being told not to use them. I’d like to invite them to join us. There’s a reason Regiara wants to end the old ways, and until I know that reason I want to make sure to keep that knowledge alive.”

Lorelei paused and pulled a knee onto the bed. “Well, we can’t keep doing the lessons in your room. There’s not enough space.”

Mildred turned to face her. “I was hoping you might know of a place that isn’t being used?”

“Hmmm…the old supply shed wouldn’t be big enough. Oh! There are some suites that house visitors during big events, but they’re empty the rest of the year. The visitor suites are much bigger than the student rooms,” Lorelei replied.

“That sounds perfect!” Mildred jumped up from the bed and began pacing the room. “We can move the furniture around and set things up how we like. And there wouldn’t be anyone in the neighboring rooms to hear us. Let’s go right now!”

Lorelei asked, laughing, “Don’t we need to invite people first?”

Students began filing into the room, sharing small smiles of greeting and nervous waves. Some mumbled to each other to inquire if they knew what to expect of the meeting. Lorelei wrung her hands in one corner, while Mildred greeted each student that walked through the door. Finally, she stepped to the front of the room.

“Welcome to our first secret meeting.”

Students glanced at each other, but no one spoke.

“You have all been invited here because I believe you’ve been taught the old ways of magic.” Mildred paused to let the mutters that followed die down. “It’s ok; I was taught the old ways in my village.” She smiled reassuringly. “But I’ve noticed that the Professors at Regiara discourage the old ways. I’m sure you’ve noticed some odd reactions when you perform magic the way you were taught growing up.”

Mildred took note of many nodding along. She took a deep breath. “I think the old ways are superior to the Regiara spellcasting formula.”

Gasps rang out and the students began debating amongst themselves. At this point, Lorelei stepped forward. “I wasn’t taught the old ways like you.” The room quieted. “I only knew the Regiara formula before enrolling…but I knew as soon as I saw Mildred perform a teleportation spell that the spells she knew were incredible. I’d been in this school for years,” she paused to clear her throat, “I’ve lived here my whole life with my mother, and I hadn’t seen magic like it before, so I was shocked at the Professor’s opposition to it. That’s when I asked Mildred to teach me the old ways.” Lorelei stepped forward. “And every spell I learned, every spell that you grew up with, is better than what they teach us at Regiara.”

The mood in the room changed at her words. For the first time, there were mutters of excitement. 

Mildred spoke up again. “Lorelei and I made a deal: I would teach her the old ways in return for her helping me look competent in class. But I don’t think it’s enough. For some reason, this school wants to end the old ways. So I’d like to include you all in our deal. We will keep practicing the old ways in secret here in this room, sharing our knowledge from our villages, and Lorelei will help make sure everyone here can still keep up in class.”

She looked around the room making eye contact with each student. “What do you say?”

What do you think of the story so far? Do you think the secret club is a good idea? Let us know in the comments! Click here to read the conclusion to the story!

Thanks so much for reading!

-Clever & WTF

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