The Gallows – Part 3

The Gallows – Part 3

I squeezed my eyes shut and instinctively jumped clear of the creature’s path. I rolled, bracing for impact. My body was still tense when I heard laughter. Confused, I opened my eyes, and Brayden was embracing the creature like a pet. It had tackled him to the ground, and he was scratching its belly as its tongue lolled playfully out of its ginormous mouth. My face must have said it all because Brayden laughed even harder after glancing at me and proceeded to explain that this creature was his dear friend and companion.

The creature was large, covered head to toe in dark brown fur, it was almost a mix of dog and bear, a stocky build with long snouts and tail. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but there were two snouts, and two heads. 

“This is Linzer,” Brayden continued as he ruffled both heads of the creature with each hand, “he won’t hurt you, come! Give him a pat and let him gain your scent.” 

I proceeded with caution, but my fear had changed to curiosity. If we have creatures like this on our side, things are looking up. I reached out a hand and both heads of Linzer sniffed for a moment then a huge smile spread across his mouths revealing many rows of long sharp fangs but his tail was wagging and gave me a few accepting licks on my hand. 

“Awh, he likes you!” said Brayden with a grin, “We have a few creatures that are domestic. They live with us and help us hunt, like us they seek a peaceful life. Food, shelter, freedom and love.” he said the last word in a higher-pitched voice and wrapped his arms around Linzer’s heads kissing him. The creature seemed to love it. Gross.

Brayden finished his tour with me and left me alone, Linzer trotting after him, in my new shack with some food and water. We were to meet soon at the town hall, to give everyone the chance to meet the newcomer.

The town hall was a slightly nicer and larger wooden building, inside were various sizes of barrels, make-shift stump benches, and crates for seating. There were roughly 75-100 people crammed inside. I found Brayden and pulled him aside, with a nap under my belt and food in my system my brain was beginning to clear up a bit. 

“How was I saved anyway?” I asked. 

“Ah yes, well, we are all familiar with the executions and how often they are, we have an inside man as one of the prison guards to spread information. The executioner is also more of a softie than you realize.” He threw me a grin, “He will also work with us when we request a prisoner be saved, which we cannot do often, for obvious reasons.” his face grew a bit darker at that as if the weight of making these decisions was heavy. Which of course it was.

“Why me?” I asked, genuinely curious. 

“It’s simple, really. You spoke up. Knowing what would come your way, you still spoke up for others.” 

I had more questions, of course, but the crowd was growing restless and Brayden rounded them up and loudly proclaimed “Thank you for gathering, dear friends! Tonight I am happy to introduce you to Aleryn, the Voice of Defiance!” 

The crowd erupted in cheers. What a cool title, the Voice of Defiance. Not sure I am deserving of that, though. I thought to myself. Maybe this was their way of having some light in the darkness. Brayden motioned for me to step up front with him. He eyeballed me to say something.

“Thank you, uh, thank you for saving me!” I struggled for a moment, and then my mouth was speaking before my mind could quite catch up. “Those bastards over there think it’s fine to work us to the bone, to give us nothing in return but beatings. To squeeze us of every last drop of humanity, until we are nothing but husks. Once those husks are no longer useful, they toss us in the trash. We are nothing but cogs in a machine to fuel their gluttony!”  

The crowd erupted even louder, but when I glanced at Brayden his mouth was agape. Maybe I went too far right off the bat. 

“I see the peace, the freedom here.” I continued, more in control of myself. “It’s a beautiful thing, thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.” With that, I shuffled away. 

Many people approached me and thanked me for speaking up. I tried to tell them it didn’t matter, I basically threw my life away for nothing. It did no good, it changed nothing. But they didn’t care, I was some hero in their eyes. This made me angry, not at them, but that one small act of defiance meant so much, even when it did nothing. I wanted to do something, make an actual change, not just fuck off to an island to live peacefully in small numbers while the world as we knew it rotted away. I can understand that they’re trying to live a peaceful life, what other hope did they have? It made even more sense why they chose someone like me to bring here. They wanted empathetic people here, those who cared about others enough to keep a civilization like this going. 

Maybe they were wrong in choosing me, I wanted change.

Brayden found me again after a long while of conversing with various gatherers. 

“That was quite a speech,” he chuckled “Glad to have you here!” 

I couldn’t quell my feelings, “I don’t deserve praise, I didn’t do anythi-”

Before I could continue a man approached, the cracks on his face revealed his older age, but he was still fit and gruff, clear signs of living a demanding life. “You want to do something?” he asked hoarsely. 

“Dyanis not now, he’s only just arrived,” Brayden stated firmly.

“No, I want to hear what he has to say,” I interjected and motioned for the man, Dyanis, to continue.

“There are tales, tales of an ancient power that resides in these South Island woods. An artifact that can grant unimaginable powers. With that, you will have the power to do something.” He eyeballed me curiously, perhaps reading my reaction.

“We don’t need those tales circulating again, our only goal is to live in peace and help those we can!” Brayden hissed but kept his voice low. 

“Indeed.” The man continued, “That is how most of the folk feel, we have been down this road before, but maybe this young man is capable.”

“No! We will not send anyone else on a suicide mission for something that doesn’t exist.”

“Does it not? We have no confirmation of this, no one has dared try in a long time.”

“I would be willing to try,” I chimed in, starry-eyed with even a glimmer of hope. 

Brayden continued trying to argue, but Dyanis could see he had hooked me in. 

“I’ll travel with Aleryn, no need to worry dear boy,” Dyanis said as he patted Brayden on the shoulder, “I’ve been itching for one more adventure in my life, if I die I die!” he chuckled.

I liked this man, we were on the same wavelength.

What do you think of the story so far? Do you think Aleryn and Dyanis are being foolish? Or will they succeed? Let us know in the comments below!

Thank you so much for reading!


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