The Gallows – Part 4
To read “The Gallows” from the beginning, click here.
“I’ll send Linzer with you, but you’ll still need weapons. Most of the creatures wouldn’t dare attack you with Linzer around, but there are some that consider him a traitor to their kind for befriending humans,” Brayden says, as he hands us each a pack of supplies. He offers a hand, and I shake it warmly. “I do hope I see you both again.”
I simply nod in reply, before shouldering the pack. I turn to see Linzer waiting at the edge of the forest. I’m not entirely sure what I’m getting myself into, but it’s better than doing nothing. I need to make my second chance at life mean something. And I really want to stick it to those fuckers who tried to kill me.
The thought of revenge propels me forward, despite my racing heart. We step under the canopy of trees and daylight seems to fade away. There’s no sound but the crack of branches and rustle of leaves for a long while. It would be peaceful, if it weren’t so eerie.
I rub away the goosebumps on my arms and keep an eye out for any sign of danger. But Linzer is the first to still and perk up his ears. He lets out a warning growl as another creature looking just like him, but a grey color, pushes through the trees.
Linzer steps forward, fur raised, placing himself between us and the beast.
“Would you really be willing to die for some worthless humans?” the monster grinds out.
Linzer huffs menacingly. “We both know I won’t die. But I am willing to take a few wounds for innocent humans who mean us no harm.”
“They are trespassing.”
“THEY ARE MY GUESTS!” he roars. “I have been charged by my friend with their protection, and I will NOT let you harm them.”
For a moment the two beasts circle each other. Finally, the threatening beast growls before turning away. “You’ll regret this, Linzer.”
Linzer watches him, ears up, before huffing, “We’d better keep moving before he comes back with help.”
When it becomes difficult to see, we begin to make camp. Linzer runs off to hunt, while Dyanis and I start a fire and pull food from our packs.
As I’m chewing warm bread, a thought occurs to me. I turn to ask Dyanis about it. “How did you find out about this artifact?”
Dyanis pauses, about to rip into his salted meat. He chuckles. “Linzer actually.” He tears off a piece of the dried meat and works it in his mouth while he continues. “He told us there’s a temple in the center of the island that gives off a powerful aura. He doesn’t know exactly what’s inside, but they are meant to guard it from those with ill intentions.”
“If you don’t know what it is, how do you know it will help us?” I reply.
“We don’t exactly, that’s why Brayden didn’t want anyone else to risk their lives, but what other hope do we have of overthrowing those bastards?” He rips off another piece of meat.
“Wait, if you know the location of the artifact, why hasn’t anyone ever found it?”
“Because it’s likely there’s some kind of trap. Either that or the monsters got all the previous guys. That’s why Linzer is finally taking the risk to escort us himself. The others won’t be happy with him for this.” He eyes the woods where Linzer wandered off.
I nod and take a swig from my canteen. “Did Linzer give you any other information?” I throw out.
He takes a bite of bread and swallows. He doesn’t look me in the eye when he answers. “Nothing important. So, what made you want to come along on this quest?”
I let the abrupt change of subject slide, but I have a feeling there’s something Dyanis left out. Maybe he doesn’t trust me yet.
“I just…I couldn’t stand to hide away while innocent people are dying.”
Dyanis eyes me for a moment, considering. “You’re a better man than me, Aleryn.” He looks away and clears his throat. “Well, I’m going to get settled in.”
As I lay on my cot that night, I wonder about that statement. Why would he say that, when we’re both here for the same reason? Is there something I’m missing?
What do you think of the story so far? Do you think there is an artifact? Let us know in the comments! Check back in 2 weeks for part 5!
Thanks so much for reading!
-Clever & WTF
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