Distraction Free Writing
Greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we’ll be discussing some ideas for distraction-free writing. We tested these so you can hopefully find some new ideas to implement on your own terms! The main goal is finding ways to limit distractions like social media, games, any sort of notification on your computer etc when writing.
This is basically an electronic type-writer that came out in 2005. WTF bought it (used) on eBay and has been using it regularly, its only purpose is writing! It works offline, is battery powered, and you can upload your files from the AlphaSmart to your computer easily. If you’re interested in one of these devices, we highly recommend finding a listing where they show it is confirmed to be in working order.
You can have 8 separate files and write offline. To upload your file to a computer simply click into a document like in Google Docs, then plug in your AlphaSmart to the computer, it will recognize its been plugged in, hit the send button and you’ll see everything begin to copy over. Note: do not click away when downloading the file, let it complete or you’ll lose data. There is a progress percentage and it will tell you when it’s done!
Additionally, and a cool feature to note, there is a spell check option! You can spell check the entire file, easily accept the changes, and even add words to the AlphaSmart’s dictionary! This is excellent for Fantasy Nerds as we all know Fantasy character names will almost always flag a misspelling, so add those names and keep writing!
FocusWriter is a free distraction-free word processor specifically developed for writers. It allows you to customize a theme to set the right ambiance for whatever story you are writing. You can choose anything from a simple white page on a wooden desk to a paper floating in space. You can also set daily goals in minutes or words, and view your statistics and streaks.
Here is a screenshot of Clever’s setup on FocusWriter. She liked the Enchantment background because it has the calming and mysterious look of a misty forest. She chose a purple font and the Harrington text because it has a fantasy vibe but is still easy to read.
Change of Scenery
The last few weeks WTF has been going to the library after work to write and/or study. I only bring my AlphaSmart 3000, journal, phone on do not disturb (for studying Korean and/or searching terms/research as needed for writing), and headphones to limit distractions. A change of scenery helps you stay focused, keep things fresh, and you’re not distracted by any stresses of home; like your pet begging for attention, or your housemates distracting you or asking for things. Your only focus is the task at hand. This has been helping A TON!
You can check your local area for libraries (a great and free place to go for quiet time and WiFi), coffee shops, or anywhere else you can go to work in peace! Being surrounded by books does help with the writing process! ✨📚
Simple Google Tricks
If you already use Google Docs, which we use for our writing and collaborating, then you can try some simple and free tricks. The first one we recommend is switching the view to Full Screen. This gets rid of any of the bars and extraneous settings, so you only see your writing and an outline on the left.
We have some other Google tips that don’t require you to use Docs. First, you can add a Chrome extension like “Stay Focused” or “LeechBlockerNG”, which you can use to restrict the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites, or block them entirely during your writing time. Another trick is to add a recurring Focus Time appointment to your calendar with a reminder to get down to business. We recommend adding a description of a specific task to work on during each session, so you don’t have to waste time figuring that out when you sit down to write.
Rotating Writing with Other Hobbies
Only focusing on one thing, like writing in this case, can get overwhelming. It’s helpful to have other hobbies you can rotate to, that way you don’t get burnt out, but you’re still keeping up the habit of working on something! For example WTF has been working on her goal of learning to read, write and speak Korean. Clever has the new hobby of crocheting, which allows her to keep her hands busy while still coming up with new story ideas. Rotate any of your hobbies to keep yourself motivated!
Don’t Over Commit – Burnout
It’s great to write every day, and some people may be able to maintain that, but that can also lead to burnout. It’s best to take at least one day for yourself, and practice self-care! Sometimes when you feel stuck in your writing, that is your brain signaling that you need a break. Try stepping away for a day or two, and you will likely find you have some brand-new ideas when you return!
Check out our posts on self care for writers and self care for Fantasy Nerds for some self-care ideas!
What do you do to keep from being distracted when you write? What other hobbies do you have? Let us know in the comments below!
Thank you so much for reading!
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