Best YA Series for Fantasy Nerds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! I’m so excited for the start of a new collection of blog posts, the “Best Things for Fantasy Nerds” series. Over the next few weeks, WTF and I will share some of our favorite things for Fantasy Nerds to check out! SO…if you don’t have time (or money) to do all the things, we will try them […]

The Music Box

I finish polishing the wood and open the lid of the music box. A tinkling melody floats into the crisp dawn air. Today is our anniversary and the song is the one we danced to on our wedding night. Not our customary first dance with our families surrounding us, their joyous smiles and tear-filled eyes watching. Although that song, and […]

My Writing Process

Let me start by saying I don’t believe there is a “right way” to write. What works for me may not work for you. I don’t believe there is a single rule that must apply to every writer, except that if you write, you’re a writer. That’s it. But writing is rarely that simple, is it? I found that reading […]

The Connection

                Ugh, my brother is hogging the connection again. I pull myself off my bed and march down the hall to his room. I shove open the door without knocking.                 “Hey! What are you doing in my room?” my brother shouts with pinched-together eyebrows.                 “Get off the connection. You’re slowing it down and I’m trying to do my […]

Welcome Fantasy Nerds!

Welcome Fantasy Nerds, to our blog, Clever and WTF. Here we will be posting bi-weekly fantasy and other short stories that we hope you will enjoy! We will post to the blog every Sunday, and on the weeks between stories we will post about random topics mostly related to writing, reading, and fantasy. So, who are we? Amber Johnson and […]