Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 4

If you haven’t read Part 1, you can begin your journey here. … Mildred collapsed onto the king-sized bed in her room, suddenly exhausted by her first lesson and the overwhelming maze of a school she had to navigate to find her room. The bed was quite plush though. She laughed aloud, hands rubbing the velvety softness of the blankets. […]

Regiara, Academy of Sorcery – Part 3

If you would like to read the story from the beginning, you can start here. … Mildred took a seat in the front row and looked around the empty classroom. One wall of shelves was filled floor-to-ceiling with scrolls. Another held various magical supplies: wands, small cauldrons, and the like. On the desk in front of her, a thick leather […]

Regiara, Academy of Sorcery – Part 2

To read the story from the beginning, click here. … Mildred hadn’t expected the school to be bigger than her entire town. She didn’t know what she had expected, but she could never have even imagined this. She felt like an ant as she walked through the double door and into an opulent entry hall swarming with people. She smoothed […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery

“You’ve been accepted, Mildred! You’re going to Regiara,” my mother cried out before wrapping me in a hug. “I knew you would get in.” She pulled back to look me in the eyes. “I’m so proud of you.” I beamed at her, but my stomach was a tangled mess. This was everything I had been working towards, but now I […]

Don’t Let Reality Get You Down

“Matthew, come quick. Oliver is taking his first flight!” A man rushes into the room, peering up at a child of two who is flailing his arms and legs as he floats through the air.  “Oh, would you look at that! My boy is flying!” “I’ll get my phone,” the boy’s mother responds. “Oh! I better turn off the fan,” […]

The Neighboring Witches

Belladonna looked out at the beautiful chaos of her garden. The pale colors and long leaves of Nightshade and Henbane mixed with the bright-colored flowers of the Poppy and Aconite. Ivy climbed up the walls of her home and spiky blackthorn shrubs enclosed the yard. To the untrained eye, it was hard to tell where one plant ended and the […]

Storms May Come – Chapter 8

Suddenly Queen Aetherina emerged in her sea funnel, water rushing and whirling around her body; the power radiating from her instilled fear in us all. She rapidly flung forward what seemed to be an endless amount of water spears, exploding the chests and heads of countless soldiers in a bloodbath. She paused for a moment, her eyes glazed over and […]

Storms May Come – Chapter 7

Click here to read “Storms May Come” from the beginning. … Mist rolled over the land, obscuring everything outside of the archers’ range. The Sirens had pulled the sea onto dry land, filling the air with humidity. The army would not be able to see us until they were fired upon by muskets and bows. We waited in a tense silence, ready […]

Storms May Come – Chapter 6

Click here to read “Storms May Come” from the beginning. … “Less than three weeks to be ready for a battle against thousands?!” a villager named Bartram exclaimed. He was a lean middle-aged man with a hooked nose who was distrustful of everyone, especially the Sirens.  “We have already finished the walls, and we have the aid of the Sirens,” […]

Storms May Come – Chapter 4

Click here to start reading from the beginning. … I ran my hand along the rough walls, fingers catching on the innumerable tiny shells. Everyone in the village who could lift the coquina stones had been helping to build a wall around our homes. Even the children combed the beaches for oyster shells, which were burned into lime and mixed […]