The Enchantress’ Challenge: The Gorgon

With a roar, Kavarus pierces the beast’s heart with his longsword. Now, I am ready, he thinks smugly. If he can slay the great Cyclops, then he can face any challenge the enchantress might throw his way. Kavarus marches home, stopping outside of his stone dwelling to clean his sword. Once it is glistening, he places it on the rack […]

The Seer – Part 6

This is part 6 of our short story, “The Seer”. If you haven’t read the beginning of the story, you can find it here! The next quarter moon arrives, and we are all on high alert, me most of all. It’s my job to find the dhaceen on the other side of the barrier, before it crosses over. We need […]

Best Faerie Books for Fantasy Nerds

This post we will be exploring our favorite Faerie books we’ve read so far! The search for good books never ends, but we wanted to share our current favorites with you. We hope we can add a few new Faerie books to your TBR list! A Modern Faerie Tale By Holly Black A Modern Faerie Tale consists of three books: […]

Blood Moon

Trees whizzed past in a blur. The sodden soil sunk beneath her weight, as dirt chunks flew up with each clawed paw that effortlessly navigated the forest. The moon was high, and its fullness glimmered above through the tree line. All that could be heard was the rhythmic thumping of paws, and the wind whipping.  Her ears twitched, and light […]

Best TV Shows for Fantasy Nerds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is the next post in our series, “Best Things for Fantasy Nerds”. Today we are talking about the best fantasy-related TV shows. We decided to focus on some more recent shows, because there are so many TV shows out there.  Game of Thrones Game of Thrones is the embodiment of fantasy. I doubt anyone is surprised […]

The Hex Signs

The first time I saw Stephen, he painted a hex sign on my right arm, and I couldn’t move my fingers for three hours. When I found him again the next day, I asked how he had done it. He just gave me a lopsided smile, the kind when someone knows something you don’t, and I decided right then that […]

Dark Thoughts

The creek behind Olivia’s house loomed from the tree line, seemingly growing larger as the sound of cicadas grew increasingly louder. With effort Olivia finally wrenched her eyes away, shaking her head as if to clear it. She slammed the blinds down and shakily walked to her bed.  Olivia plopped down onto her bed, pulling her laptop into her lap. […]


Lucy took a long drag of her clove cigarette “I’m disgusting…” she thought to herself as she yanked her hood over her hair. She was looking at her feet as she trudged along the pavement, beat up black boots slapping the wet ground, not noticing the man she was about to run into. “Ooooof… shit sorry” she mumbled as she […]