Best Dragon Books for Fantasy Nerds

Greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be discussing our picks for best dragon books. Dragons are synonymous with the Fantasy genre, without them Fantasy would never be the same. We hope you enjoy our list, and maybe find some new favorites! Temeraire Series by Naomi Novik This series has so many things going for it: the brilliant premise, relatable […]

Scales of the Smith – Part 3

This is the conclusion to Clever’s short story, Scales of the Smith. Make sure to read Part 1 and Part 2 before continuing. … The next morning, the band of heroes converged on Viggo’s smithy. He was exhausted from a sleepless night, but had reached a decision by dawn. He greeted the men heartily. It was clear they did not […]

Scales of the Smith – Part 2

This is part 2 of Clever’s short story. If you would like to read the beginning, you can find it here. … It turned out Fafnir had been a dwarf in a former life, before he was cursed to become a dragon, and still remembered the ways of dwarven smithing. And dwarven armor was coveted for a reason, for they […]

Scales of the Smith

Looking at his half-empty bucket of ores, the blacksmith sighed. He could not make a living like this. He would need to find another cave to mine, if he wanted his orders to be on time. Slinging his pickaxe over his shoulder, he picked up his bucket and trudged out of the mine. He had seen another cave once, in […]

Dragon Fire

“Incredible! How did you manage to get a bottle of Dragon Fire?” “It must have cost you a fortune.” “It’s quite alluring to look at.” Andrion’s guests gathered around a beautifully worked glass bottle that flickered in the dim light. Inside was a shifting, living flame of blues and yellows and reds. It gave off no heat. In fact, if […]

The Dragon in the Cave

It was raining again outside the dragon’s cave; he could hear the faint pitter patter of the droplets against the earth as he let out a small fire from his snout. It turned the moisture in the air to steam, and he sighed in relief as he settled deeper into his bed of gold coins. The clang of coins and […]

The Only Dragonrider – Chapter 5

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is Chapter 5 of a collaborative fantasy story that we took turns writing. If you haven’t read the first chapter, you can find it here. We hope you enjoy the conclusion to our story! Chapter Five – Clever Now that the immediate threat was over, I walked over to check on the small red dragon. I turned […]

The Only Dragon Rider – Chapter 4

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is Chapter 4 of a collaborative fantasy story that we will be taking turns writing. If you haven’t read the first chapter, you can find it here. We hope you enjoy our story! We had succeeded, at least kind of. We had rescued a total of thirteen dragons, not including Arathyn.  I don’t believe we can return […]

The Only Dragonrider – Chapter 3

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is Chapter 3 of a collaborative fantasy story that we will be taking turns writing. If you haven’t read the first chapter, you can find it here. We hope you enjoy our story! Chapter Three – Clever We were fairly certain that my former master would be on the lookout for us. Besides, dragons are large, loud […]