The Gallows – Part 5

To read “The Gallows” from the beginning, click here. … We awoke and had a small meal before setting out again. Linzer was ripping into the flesh of a rabbit he had caught but urged us to eat quickly as more creatures would surely be tracking us.  “So you’re tasked with protecting this temple?” I inquired after swallowing the last of […]

The Gallows – Part 3

I squeezed my eyes shut and instinctively jumped clear of the creature’s path. I rolled, bracing for impact. My body was still tense when I heard laughter. Confused, I opened my eyes, and Brayden was embracing the creature like a pet. It had tackled him to the ground, and he was scratching its belly as its tongue lolled playfully out […]

Holiday Break

Seasons greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be taking a holiday break, but join us next week for Part 2 of The Gallows! What are you looking forward to this holiday season? Any traditions you guys have? Let us know in the comments below! Thank you for your continued support, and we wish you a wonderful holiday season this […]

The Gallows

Damp moss squeezed through the cracks in the stone, finding a way to grow in the dank cell I was in. That moss has more of a will to live than I do I thought to myself in the darkness. In the distance, a torch flickered the only minuscule source of light in the dungeon as far as I could […]

There Should be a Spell for That

Why won’t this cursed hair stay down?! Ivy ran her hand over the top of her head yet again and let out an exasperated sigh when the hair in question popped right back up. There ought to be a spell for that. Ivy paused with her hand on the bottle of hair potion. There really ought to be a spell […]

The Shattered Seer

Rain pelted the ground as Lyra made her way towards the daunting doorway of the abandoned mansion, the note she held with the address was getting soaked, the ink spreading with the water droplets becoming illegible. She sighed, but based on the description she was in the right place. It’s not like she hadn’t done this before, being a researcher […]

Undead Garden Club

The full moon glistened in the night sky, smears of deep purple and twinkling stars its accessories. The brightest moonbeam lit a seemingly endless garden of various flowers and plants that radiated a magic of their own. An enormous stone crypt was at its center, and as the moon reached its highest point the large stone door opened with a […]

Don’t Let Reality Get You Down

“Matthew, come quick. Oliver is taking his first flight!” A man rushes into the room, peering up at a child of two who is flailing his arms and legs as he floats through the air.  “Oh, would you look at that! My boy is flying!” “I’ll get my phone,” the boy’s mother responds. “Oh! I better turn off the fan,” […]


It was me. I was chosen, and I was still reeling from the realization. Well, chosen is the pretty way to put it. I was unlucky enough to have my name drawn. Now I will be the next sacrifice. It’s normal, and always to be anticipated that you may be the next one, but it doesn’t lessen the fear that […]