Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 5

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading with part 5 below! … Their daily meetings only left Mildred and Lorelei more bewildered. It quickly became clear that it wasn’t just the teleportation spell that was superior to the Regiara formula. Mildred knew a better […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 4

If you haven’t read Part 1, you can begin your journey here. … Mildred collapsed onto the king-sized bed in her room, suddenly exhausted by her first lesson and the overwhelming maze of a school she had to navigate to find her room. The bed was quite plush though. She laughed aloud, hands rubbing the velvety softness of the blankets. […]

Best Small Businesses for Fantasy Nerds

Greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we are delighted to bring you some of our favorite small businesses that sell goods for Fantasy readers. If you enjoy bookmarks, journals, book sleeves and more, you’re in the right place! Lovelittlenikki If you’re an avid reader, you know how important a bookmark is. Why not have one that is beautifully themed and brings […]

Regiara, Academy of Sorcery – Part 3

If you would like to read the story from the beginning, you can start here. … Mildred took a seat in the front row and looked around the empty classroom. One wall of shelves was filled floor-to-ceiling with scrolls. Another held various magical supplies: wands, small cauldrons, and the like. On the desk in front of her, a thick leather […]

Regiara, Academy of Sorcery – Part 2

To read the story from the beginning, click here. … Mildred hadn’t expected the school to be bigger than her entire town. She didn’t know what she had expected, but she could never have even imagined this. She felt like an ant as she walked through the double door and into an opulent entry hall swarming with people. She smoothed […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery

“You’ve been accepted, Mildred! You’re going to Regiara,” my mother cried out before wrapping me in a hug. “I knew you would get in.” She pulled back to look me in the eyes. “I’m so proud of you.” I beamed at her, but my stomach was a tangled mess. This was everything I had been working towards, but now I […]


It was me. I was chosen, and I was still reeling from the realization. Well, chosen is the pretty way to put it. I was unlucky enough to have my name drawn. Now I will be the next sacrifice. It’s normal, and always to be anticipated that you may be the next one, but it doesn’t lessen the fear that […]

Dangerous Plants for Fantasy Nerds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Last time we covered the Best Plants for Fantasy Nerds, but while doing our research into witchy plants, we found quite a few dangerous ones. We decided to share their interesting history with you! Deadly Nightshade/Belladonna We’re starting this list off with Nightshade, because it’s a pretty well-known poison and it has some interesting history. It was […]