The Gallows – Part 3

I squeezed my eyes shut and instinctively jumped clear of the creature’s path. I rolled, bracing for impact. My body was still tense when I heard laughter. Confused, I opened my eyes, and Brayden was embracing the creature like a pet. It had tackled him to the ground, and he was scratching its belly as its tongue lolled playfully out […]

The Gallows – Part 2

“Come along and don’t fall behind,” the stranger said. “This place is dangerous if you don’t know where you’re going.” I was too exhausted to ask any questions, so I placed my feet beneath me and pushed myself to stand. It was then that I took my first real look at this South Island. A fog surrounded the entire shore, […]

Holiday Break

Seasons greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be taking a holiday break, but join us next week for Part 2 of The Gallows! What are you looking forward to this holiday season? Any traditions you guys have? Let us know in the comments below! Thank you for your continued support, and we wish you a wonderful holiday season this […]

The Gallows

Damp moss squeezed through the cracks in the stone, finding a way to grow in the dank cell I was in. That moss has more of a will to live than I do I thought to myself in the darkness. In the distance, a torch flickered the only minuscule source of light in the dungeon as far as I could […]

Anime That Will Make You Cry

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! People that don’t watch anime often associate it with epic fight scenes or what’s known as “fan service”. However, there are a lot of anime out there that are surprisingly deep and heartfelt. If you’ve ever found yourself shedding tears during an anime, this post is for you. Here are our favorite emotional and tear-jerking animes! Frieren: […]

The Shattered Seer

Rain pelted the ground as Lyra made her way towards the daunting doorway of the abandoned mansion, the note she held with the address was getting soaked, the ink spreading with the water droplets becoming illegible. She sighed, but based on the description she was in the right place. It’s not like she hadn’t done this before, being a researcher […]

Title Prompt Challenge

Welcome, fellow Writers! This week we have decided to hold a fun challenge, for ourselves and you! The challenge is to write a short story based on a title prompt. Clever’s husband created a list of titles for us so that we could participate too, with these surprise titles as the prompt. We will each choose one title from the […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 7

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading the conclusion to the story! … As the secret meetings progressed, the other students came to the same heavy realization that Mildred and Lorelei had: the old ways were quite obviously superior. Which brought them to the logical question: […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 6

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading with part 6 below! … “I think we should include other students in our lessons,” Mildred said. “I’ve noticed there are others like me, who know the old ways and are being told not to use them. I’d like […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 5

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading with part 5 below! … Their daily meetings only left Mildred and Lorelei more bewildered. It quickly became clear that it wasn’t just the teleportation spell that was superior to the Regiara formula. Mildred knew a better […]