How to Maintain Your Writing Habit

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Last time we talked about focusing on your writing and making it a priority. If you missed that post you can read it here. Now we want to share some tips on maintaining your writing habit. You’ve built up some excitement and figured out what to cut out to make room for your writing. Hopefully, you figured […]

How to Focus on Your Writing in the New Year

Welcome to 2020, Fantasy Nerds! We thought this would be an appropriate time to talk about how to focus on your writing. We all want to up our writing game and conquer our quest for author greatness! That starts with making writing your focus in 2020! Let’s see if we can help you out with this. Figure Out Your Priorities […]

New Writer’s Guide to Submissions

Welcome, fellow writers! We are relatively new writers ourselves, and we have recently had to discover where and how to submit our writing. We thought we could help you out by sharing what we have learned so far about submissions. Building Up Confidence Having confidence with anything in life, not just writing, is difficult to achieve. But when it comes […]

Best Christmas Gifts for Writers

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We know a lot of our followers are also writers, so we wanted to make another Christmas list for you. While we love all the fun fantasy gifts, we also like to receive gifts to help us along on our writing journey. We hope you find some gifts for yourself or your writer friends! Pens and Notebooks […]

The Hex Signs

The first time I saw Stephen, he painted a hex sign on my right arm, and I couldn’t move my fingers for three hours. When I found him again the next day, I asked how he had done it. He just gave me a lopsided smile, the kind when someone knows something you don’t, and I decided right then that […]

Best Adult Fantasy Series

Greetings Fantasy Nerds! So this post is about my picks for the best Adult Fantasy series. You can probably guess a few I’ll be writing about, but hopefully you will get some insight and ideas for new books to check out! The Lord of the Rings First and most important is The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. This […]

The Mastermind – Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 of The Mastermind, you can find it here. Now for Part 2! We start with the background research on all the involved parties. Sorren finds every detail about them, from where our client ate lunch last Tuesday to when our potential victim last took her Pomeranian, Buttercup, to the groomer. “Who gets a Pomeranian?” […]

The Mastermind – Part 1

I know, I know. Us outlaws are supposed to slink into the crowded inn wearing a dusty black cloak that’s faded to grey. We’re not supposed to draw attention to ourselves. But I can’t help it that my favorite color is bright pink. And if you’re going to wear such a fine pink cloak, you should wear it well, am […]

The Music Box

I finish polishing the wood and open the lid of the music box. A tinkling melody floats into the crisp dawn air. Today is our anniversary and the song is the one we danced to on our wedding night. Not our customary first dance with our families surrounding us, their joyous smiles and tear-filled eyes watching. Although that song, and […]

Welcome Fantasy Nerds!

Welcome Fantasy Nerds, to our blog, Clever and WTF. Here we will be posting bi-weekly fantasy and other short stories that we hope you will enjoy! We will post to the blog every Sunday, and on the weeks between stories we will post about random topics mostly related to writing, reading, and fantasy. So, who are we? Amber Johnson and […]