Featured Stories

The Gallows – Part 5

To read “The Gallows” from the beginning, click here. … We awoke and had a small meal before setting out again. Linzer was ripping into the flesh of a rabbit he had caught but urged us to eat quickly as more creatures would surely be tracking us.  “So you’re tasked with protecting this temple?” I inquired after swallowing the last of […]

The Gallows – Part 4

To read “The Gallows” from the beginning, click here. … “I’ll send Linzer with you, but you’ll still need weapons. Most of the creatures wouldn’t dare attack you with Linzer around, but there are some that consider him a traitor to their kind for befriending humans,” Brayden says, as he hands us each a pack of supplies. He offers a […]

The Gallows – Part 3

I squeezed my eyes shut and instinctively jumped clear of the creature’s path. I rolled, bracing for impact. My body was still tense when I heard laughter. Confused, I opened my eyes, and Brayden was embracing the creature like a pet. It had tackled him to the ground, and he was scratching its belly as its tongue lolled playfully out […]

The Gallows – Part 2

“Come along and don’t fall behind,” the stranger said. “This place is dangerous if you don’t know where you’re going.” I was too exhausted to ask any questions, so I placed my feet beneath me and pushed myself to stand. It was then that I took my first real look at this South Island. A fog surrounded the entire shore, […]

Holiday Break

Seasons greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be taking a holiday break, but join us next week for Part 2 of The Gallows! What are you looking forward to this holiday season? Any traditions you guys have? Let us know in the comments below! Thank you for your continued support, and we wish you a wonderful holiday season this […]

Winter Self-Care for Fantasy Nerds

Seasons greetings, Fantasy Nerds! This week we have a treat for you: our best winter self-care items! We hope you find some new favorites to treat yourself this holiday season. Self-care is so important, especially in the cold dark winter months, so don’t forget to take care of yourself! E.L.F. Glow Reviver Lip Oil (Glimmer Finish) E.L.F is a well-known […]

The Gallows

Damp moss squeezed through the cracks in the stone, finding a way to grow in the dank cell I was in. That moss has more of a will to live than I do I thought to myself in the darkness. In the distance, a torch flickered the only minuscule source of light in the dungeon as far as I could […]