Title Prompt Challenge

Welcome, fellow Writers! This week we have decided to hold a fun challenge, for ourselves and you! The challenge is to write a short story based on a title prompt. Clever’s husband created a list of titles for us so that we could participate too, with these surprise titles as the prompt. We will each choose one title from the […]

Writer’s Character Card

We thought of a fun post for us to get to know each other better. We created a writer’s character card that we will each fill out, and you can join us! Read along to see our favorites, and we’ll have a template for you at the end of the post! Clever’s Writer Character Card Favorite Book Character Ideal Place […]

Inspirational Journal for Writers

Welcome, Writers! We found this great idea for a positivity journal and thought it would be a helpful idea for writers. We took the ideas provided and tweaked them a bit to make them specific to writers. We thought it would be fun to share the ideas with you, in case you needed some inspiration. Read on to see how […]

How to Begin Writing a Story

We know from first-hand experience that beginning a story is the hardest part. Sometimes it’s coming up with the story idea in general, other times it’s putting those first words onto paper. So, we decided to share some of the strategies that have worked for us. Start with the Ending If you’ve never heard this before, we wanted to let […]

Writing Check-Up with Clever & WTF

Greetings fellow Fantasy Nerds! As we’ve now passed the four-year mark on our blog and this year is flying by, we thought it was a good time for a writing check-up. Join us as we discuss our goals, achievements, and what the future looks like for Clever&WTF. Be sure to let us know in the comments what your goals are! […]

How to Tell When You Need a Break from Writing

There is a lot of writing advice out there that stresses the importance of sticking to a writing routine. For the most part, this is good advice. However, everyone needs a break at times, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about that. So when should you take a break from your writing, and how do you make sure the break is […]

Clever&WTF’s New Writer’s Contest!

Welcome, Writers! We have decided to host our second New Writer’s Contest, where you can win the title of “Clever&WTF’s Best New Writer of 2023”! The contest is open to all new writers, and preference will be given to previously unpublished authors (for purposes of this contest, posting to your own blog isn’t considered being published). We are leaving the […]