The Gallows – Part 4

To read “The Gallows” from the beginning, click here. … “I’ll send Linzer with you, but you’ll still need weapons. Most of the creatures wouldn’t dare attack you with Linzer around, but there are some that consider him a traitor to their kind for befriending humans,” Brayden says, as he hands us each a pack of supplies. He offers a […]

The Gallows – Part 2

“Come along and don’t fall behind,” the stranger said. “This place is dangerous if you don’t know where you’re going.” I was too exhausted to ask any questions, so I placed my feet beneath me and pushed myself to stand. It was then that I took my first real look at this South Island. A fog surrounded the entire shore, […]

There Should be a Spell for That

Why won’t this cursed hair stay down?! Ivy ran her hand over the top of her head yet again and let out an exasperated sigh when the hair in question popped right back up. There ought to be a spell for that. Ivy paused with her hand on the bottle of hair potion. There really ought to be a spell […]

Lost Witch Department

The LWD logo was projected on the floor through the stained glass door, which opened with a soft chime. “Lost Witch Department. When magic goes awry, we help you find your way,” Leonia greeted the woman who peeked through the doorway before turning back to the client in front of her desk. A line had formed by the afternoon, and […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 7

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading the conclusion to the story! … As the secret meetings progressed, the other students came to the same heavy realization that Mildred and Lorelei had: the old ways were quite obviously superior. Which brought them to the logical question: […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 6

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading with part 6 below! … “I think we should include other students in our lessons,” Mildred said. “I’ve noticed there are others like me, who know the old ways and are being told not to use them. I’d like […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 5

To start reading from the beginning, click here. If you missed the last chapter or need a refresher, click here. Otherwise, continue reading with part 5 below! … Their daily meetings only left Mildred and Lorelei more bewildered. It quickly became clear that it wasn’t just the teleportation spell that was superior to the Regiara formula. Mildred knew a better […]

Regiara: Academy of Sorcery – Part 4

If you haven’t read Part 1, you can begin your journey here. … Mildred collapsed onto the king-sized bed in her room, suddenly exhausted by her first lesson and the overwhelming maze of a school she had to navigate to find her room. The bed was quite plush though. She laughed aloud, hands rubbing the velvety softness of the blankets. […]

Regiara, Academy of Sorcery – Part 3

If you would like to read the story from the beginning, you can start here. … Mildred took a seat in the front row and looked around the empty classroom. One wall of shelves was filled floor-to-ceiling with scrolls. Another held various magical supplies: wands, small cauldrons, and the like. On the desk in front of her, a thick leather […]

Regiara, Academy of Sorcery – Part 2

To read the story from the beginning, click here. … Mildred hadn’t expected the school to be bigger than her entire town. She didn’t know what she had expected, but she could never have even imagined this. She felt like an ant as she walked through the double door and into an opulent entry hall swarming with people. She smoothed […]