The Only Dragonrider – Chapter 5

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is Chapter 5 of a collaborative fantasy story that we took turns writing. If you haven’t read the first chapter, you can find it here. We hope you enjoy the conclusion to our story! Chapter Five – Clever Now that the immediate threat was over, I walked over to check on the small red dragon. I turned […]

How to Maintain Your Writing Habit

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Last time we talked about focusing on your writing and making it a priority. If you missed that post you can read it here. Now we want to share some tips on maintaining your writing habit. You’ve built up some excitement and figured out what to cut out to make room for your writing. Hopefully, you figured […]

The Only Dragon Rider – Chapter 4

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is Chapter 4 of a collaborative fantasy story that we will be taking turns writing. If you haven’t read the first chapter, you can find it here. We hope you enjoy our story! We had succeeded, at least kind of. We had rescued a total of thirteen dragons, not including Arathyn.  I don’t believe we can return […]

How to Focus on Your Writing in the New Year

Welcome to 2020, Fantasy Nerds! We thought this would be an appropriate time to talk about how to focus on your writing. We all want to up our writing game and conquer our quest for author greatness! That starts with making writing your focus in 2020! Let’s see if we can help you out with this. Figure Out Your Priorities […]