Missing Pieces – Part 2

I hoped you enjoyed part 1 of Missing Pieces! If you haven’t read the first half of this story, you can find it here. Now for the conclusion: It didn’t take much to disguise me as a Fae. Erissa used some magic to make my ears pointy and give my skin a pale shimmer. For her part, Belle stole some […]

Missing Pieces – Part 1

I stared at the sock sticking to the bottom of the washer and sighed. Looks like I’m going in after it. Being only 5’2’’ meant I had to hoist myself into the washer head first, waist bone digging into the edge of the machine and feet dangling inches above the floor. I stretched my arm, reaching for the sock. At […]

How to Get Out of a Writing Rut

All writers experience a rut at some point in their writing career. Some ruts are short bouts of writer’s block that might last a few days. And sometimes we hit those giant potholes that turn out to be craters that swallow us for months at a time. So what do we do when this happens? Acceptance First off, acknowledge that […]

The Tears Call

I had always been obsessed with mermaids. When I was a little girl I would imagine their tiny bodies swimming up from my bath drain to keep me company. I could practically see their glimmering scales, soft fins and flowing colorful hair. I would pretend to pick them up in my cupped hands and watch them swim in circles.  The […]