Giveaway Winner!

Happy Holidays, Fantasy Nerds! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and managed to get some great deals on Black Friday! We are just here with a quick update on our giveaways. We recently held a couple of giveaways as a thank you to our amazing followers! In October we held the Fantasy Giveaway, where Kayla Rodriguez won these items: […]

Ireland’s Salvation

Maewyn returned to Ireland in the dead of night, but few would recognize him as the slave he had once been. He came on a mission, but not one of revenge. His mission was more important than exacting vengeance on the pirates who ripped him from his home as a youth. He would have to put that behind him now, […]

Tips for Creating an Immersive Setting

This week Clever and I will be talking about the challenges of creating a setting. It’s something we both struggle with, and thought what we have discovered thus far can help you guys! We hope you enjoy this post and find something useful to incorporate into your writing.  Let Your Interests Inspire You Think of your interests or passions to […]


Finally it was time. Today was the day, the day I would achieve my dreams. I shifted in the seat uncomfortably, it was the only seat so I didn’t have much choice. I practiced my breathing exercises, bracing myself for the rumble as the engines ignited. I squeezed my eyes shut, in through my nose, out through my mouth. My […]

Giveaway for Writers!

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We know many of our followers are writers, so we wanted to hold another giveaway especially for you! What better time for a writing giveaway than NaNoWriMo?! Keeping reading for details, but first we announce the winner of our Fantasy Giveaway… CONGRATULATIONS Kayla Rodriguez!!! Keep an eye out for a message from us on Instagram.  Now, on […]