The Voyage – Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 of The Voyage, you can find it here. Yrsa’s head swam, she attempted to focus on what was in front of her but could barely make out a blurry tree line. Her head was throbbing with pain, but before she could think straight a tiny voice sang to her. “Are you okay?”. Quickly she […]

Best Songs to Write Fantasy Stories To

This week we will be talking about our favorite songs to write Fantasy stories to! Listening to different music can help set the tone for many different things. It’s healthy to get in the right mindstate for certain activities, and for writing it’s no different! We hope you enjoy our list, and find some new favorites! Willow by Taylor Swift […]

The Voyage – Part 1

The ocean water splashed violently over the side of the ship, lightning cracking the sky with endless whips of thunder. It was the fourth day of the journey, the last two consisted of a storm only Thor could muster. It was as if Odin had cursed them to perish at sea. Were they making a mistake traveling to conquer this […]

Best Hiking Spots for Fantasy Nerds

This week we wanted to talk about some hiking spots that we think not only make you feel as if you’re in a fantasy, but also inspire creativity when writing about settings. Writing a fantasy setting can be quite daunting, but some time in nature can work wonders, especially if those spots inspire ideas for a setting! This is a […]