Best Hiking Spots for Fantasy Nerds

This week we wanted to talk about some hiking spots that we think not only make you feel as if you’re in a fantasy, but also inspire creativity when writing about settings. Writing a fantasy setting can be quite daunting, but some time in nature can work wonders, especially if those spots inspire ideas for a setting! This is a list of some of our favorites (so far) in the United States.

Bandelier National Monument – New Mexico

Tyuonyi Overview by Bandelier National Monument C.C. 2.0

We both remember being blown away by these cliff dwellings when we visited them in New Mexico. You climb up ladders and hike winding cliff paths to get to these houses built into the cliffside by the Ancestral Pueblo people. The view looking out from the cliff dwellings is stunning. If you are thinking of creating a fantasy world with a cliff-dwelling people, Bandelier is a great place to visit.

Manson Pike Trailhead – Tennessee

When I lived in Tennessee this was one of my favorite spots for a quick hike with endless beautiful views and pathways. This photo is of a small break off the main path that opens up into this incredible stone walkway through the river, I always felt it led to a whimsical realm. It’s perfect to make any Fantasy Nerd feel blissfully lost in a fantasy world.

Nederland – Colorado

This small mountain town in Colorado quickly became one of my favorite places. There are various small hikes that move through the city, but this one leads through a bridge that is covered with intricate paintings. I think the view speaks for itself, an incredibly charming town intertwined with nature. Luckily for me it’s about a forty minute drive up into the mountains from where I live, if you’re ever in Colorado I highly recommend visiting Nederland! It’s the perfect town for any Fantasy Nerd, and would certainly be brimming with inspiration!

South Mountain Fairy Trail – New Jersey

South Mountain Fairy Trail – used with permission

This unbelievable trail in South Mountain is sprinkled with fairy homes hidden along the paths. These miniature homes are made of twigs, rocks, acorns, and wood, just as you would expect to find in a fairy forest! The fairies even have tiny furniture in their homes. It seems like so much fun to walk through the enchanting woods and hunt for fairy homes hidden in tree stumps and nestled in the hillside. It is a must-see for Fantasy Nerds, and we want to visit there someday. If you visit just remember, aside from the fairy houses exhibited, they try to promote the “Leave no trace” philosophy in nature.

South Mountain Fairy Trail – used with permission

Lookout Mountain Park – Colorado

What better inspiration for a setting than looking down on a city from above? The view is absolutely breathtaking, and the mountains seem endless! The hike itself is uphill and can be relatively tough, but it’s so worth it when you make it. There are multiple pathways that branch out even further, one goes in a kind of half circle teetering on the edge of the mountain; which I thought would be the perfect setting for an epic battle!

What Do You Think?

Are there any hiking destinations that you think a Fantasy Nerd would enjoy? Does being in nature help you write better fantasy settings? If you found this post helpful, we would love for you to leave a comment, or even buy us a cup of coffee! We promise to share!

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Thanks so much for reading!

-Clever & WTF

7 thoughts on “Best Hiking Spots for Fantasy Nerds

    • Author gravatar

      Beautiful locations! I’m not sure I’ll ever get to the States to see them so your post was a nice vicarious visit. Nature walks definitely help me write. The most magical hikes I have done were the Black Forest in Germany, and the mountain ranges around my New Zealand hometown.

      • Author gravatar

        Thank you so much! I’m so happy you enjoyed the post ^_^ I agree, nature hikes help me center myself and promote creativity for writing! Those both sound incredible, I’m so jealous you’re from New Zealand! That’s number one on my list of places to visit!

        • Author gravatar

          It’s beautiful and I hope you get there someday! I don’t live there anymore, I live in Australia, but it’s top of my list too right now as I have heaps of family there that I miss <3

    • Author gravatar

      Yamaha resort ,New Mexico where there are lots of things to see and do near Rio Grande where we had fun with our grand children and Alaska ,where everyplsce seemed magical,from glacier s , mountain and and river streams.

    • Author gravatar

      We had a lot of fun at Tamaya resort!

    • Author gravatar

      Really relateble I just started my own travel blog and then covid hit and I could not travel anymore from my country. No travel planning for me at all 😦

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