The Snake in the Hole

There is a hole in the ground on our property where we live, I am forbidden to go there because a snake lives in that hole, or so my mother says. “Don’t go near that hole, Jeremy, and never stick your hand there! That snake will bite you and kill you!” I’ve heard that countless times, and the story about […]

Best Songs to Inspire Writers to Go After Your Dreams

Welcome, Writers! Listening to some inspiring songs inspired this post, so we decided to share with you our favorite songs to motivate you during the times when chasing the author dream gets difficult. We hope you enjoy these songs! “Daydream” by Lily Meola Clever first heard this song on America’s Got Talent and immediately shared it with WTF. We’ve both […]

The Tree Castle

Mason marveled at every aspect of his new house, but the backyard was by far his favorite part. Specifically, the perfect pair of trees that just called to have a tree castle built amongst their branches. It has always been his dream, to have his very own castle. And the trees were meant for it, he knew. Where the trunk […]

Best Dragon Books for Fantasy Nerds

Greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be discussing our picks for best dragon books. Dragons are synonymous with the Fantasy genre, without them Fantasy would never be the same. We hope you enjoy our list, and maybe find some new favorites! Temeraire Series by Naomi Novik This series has so many things going for it: the brilliant premise, relatable […]