Best Witchy Doodles

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We had so much fun with our last doodles post, that we decided to do another.  This time, we really wanted to focus on witchy doodles. There are so many cute ones! We encourage you to give these doodles a try. We were pleasantly surprised by how ours turned out. Mushrooms Mushrooms are a simple addition to […]

The World Turns

The air inside my house is stifling, full of memories I can’t face. I yank open my front door and blink at the harsh brightness of day. A man walking his dog waves politely. I tug at the hem of my shirt, suddenly conscious that I’m still in my pajamas and not wearing a bra. I hold up a hand […]

How to Tell When You Need a Break from Writing

There is a lot of writing advice out there that stresses the importance of sticking to a writing routine. For the most part, this is good advice. However, everyone needs a break at times, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about that. So when should you take a break from your writing, and how do you make sure the break is […]

The Wing Thief – Chapter 2

After hours of heated debate, the faeries finally came to a conclusion of sorts. They would send out a group for reconnaissance to see if they even could find a wizard that would be willing to help them. They would travel to the nearest city of Alifen, which was full of magic-wielding beings as well as normal folk. Many heightened […]

The Wing Thief

There was a thief on the loose. They were large, wore attire that concealed themselves and would capture the delicate faeries and rip the wings right off of their bodies. Luckily for the faeries, their wings would grow back more often than not. It was still quite bothersome seeing as they couldn’t fly for a few weeks, and even more […]