Storms May Come – Chapter 2

The rage in my heart and the pain in my chest finally quelled enough that I realized I needed to get out of Dreven’s shack before he returned. I thoughtfully put back the leather pouch exactly as I had found it.  What should I do? I thought to myself. I slipped away unnoticed and paced along the shore as the […]

Storms May Come

After the storm, in the silence and the calm, he came, like he was ushering in the sunlight himself. Later, I thought it more likely he had pushed in the storm. But when you’re desperate and someone offers aid, you don’t question it. So we began the rebuilding, along with Dreven. And his presence made us believe that this time […]

New Year’s Reading Resolutions

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We’ve done posts before on our writing resolutions and how to accomplish them, so this year we decided to focus on reading resolutions for the New Year. Reading more is a New Year’s resolution we can get behind! To help us in our goal, we got these awesome scratch-off posters of 100 Epic Reads. We thought it […]