Best Things for Fantasy Nerds
New Year’s Reading Resolutions

New Year’s Reading Resolutions

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We’ve done posts before on our writing resolutions and how to accomplish them, so this year we decided to focus on reading resolutions for the New Year. Reading more is a New Year’s resolution we can get behind!

To help us in our goal, we got these awesome scratch-off posters of 100 Epic Reads. We thought it would help us to track our progress and encourage us to expand our reading repertoire. We also decided to make it into a fun challenge where we will each pick a book from the poster that we want the other person to read this year. Read along to see our goals and what we challenge each other to read, as well as cast your vote for which book we should read!

Clever’s Goals

Clever’s Poster

I’ve read 28/100 books on this list and would like to get to 35 by next year. I want to leave some reading room for all the fantasy books on my TBR, so I think reading 7 from this list is doable while keeping up with all my current series. I currently own quite a few books on this list but haven’t gotten around to reading them. I’m sure you can relate! WTF has challenged me to read The Hobbit. My top 3 that I want to read this year are Crime and Punishment, Water for Elephants, and The Alchemist. Which other book from the poster do you think I should read? Vote in the comments!

WTF’S Goals

WTF’s Poster

I’ve read 23/100 books from the poster and would like to read 5 more by next year. Clever has challenged me to read Wuthering Heights this year. The books I would like to read most are The Handmaid’s Tale, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and The Princess Bride. Plus one more voted on by the readers will put me at 5 from the list!

What Do You Think?

What are your reading goals for 2024? Which of the 100 Epics Reads do you think we should read this year? Comment with your pick for each of us from the list, and we will add the one with the most votes to our reading challenge! We’ll be sure to post updates on our progress in our Facebook Group and on Instagram, as well as another blog post when the year is up. You can follow us on our socials to share your goals and progress, as well!

Thanks so much for reading!

-Clever & WTF

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