Best Faerie Books for Fantasy Nerds

This post we will be exploring our favorite Faerie books we’ve read so far! The search for good books never ends, but we wanted to share our current favorites with you. We hope we can add a few new Faerie books to your TBR list! A Modern Faerie Tale By Holly Black A Modern Faerie Tale consists of three books: […]

Best YA Series for Fantasy Nerds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! I’m so excited for the start of a new collection of blog posts, the “Best Things for Fantasy Nerds” series. Over the next few weeks, WTF and I will share some of our favorite things for Fantasy Nerds to check out! SO…if you don’t have time (or money) to do all the things, we will try them […]


Lucy took a long drag of her clove cigarette “I’m disgusting…” she thought to herself as she yanked her hood over her hair. She was looking at her feet as she trudged along the pavement, beat up black boots slapping the wet ground, not noticing the man she was about to run into. “Ooooof… shit sorry” she mumbled as she […]