The Enchantress’ Challenge: Curse of Shadow’s End

This is the third chapter in The Enchantress’ Challenge. To start from the beginning, click here. As Kavarus exits the Cavern of the Dead, the same dark mist that brought him there begins to billow out of the entrance. It stretches its tendrils toward the town and spills forth at an alarming rate. Kavarus begins to run after it.  For […]

Straw Man

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Today we have a guest author on our blog. We’re very excited that Charlie Lowrey has allowed us to share his story here! It’s the perfect story to kick off the spooky season. Speaking of spooky season, make sure to check the end of the post for some Halloween fun! The street is a ghostland, a dilapidated […]

The Seer – Part 7

This is the conclusion to our collaborative short story, “The Seer”. If you haven’t read the rest of the story, you can start here! In the chaos of crossing into Vaarn, my hands slipped from Liam and Alora’s grasp as I was plunged forward right into the dhaceen, my palms made contact with flesh that felt slippery and hard, jagged […]

The Seer – Part 6

This is part 6 of our short story, “The Seer”. If you haven’t read the beginning of the story, you can find it here! The next quarter moon arrives, and we are all on high alert, me most of all. It’s my job to find the dhaceen on the other side of the barrier, before it crosses over. We need […]

The Seer – Part 5

This is part 5 of our short story, “The Seer”. If you haven’t read the beginning of the story, you can find it here! … We find our way back to Tamniirt and fill him in on what occurred. The Redeemer introduces herself as Alora, and we let her know who we are and what we have discovered. FInally, we […]

Second Anniversary

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We cannot believe it has already been two years since we started Clever & WTF! Thank you so much for your support of our blog. It means the world to us! We decided to celebrate by sharing our favorite stories: one that we wrote ourselves, one that was written by the other sister, and one that we […]

The Culling – Part 2

This is the conclusion to Clever’s short story, The Culling. If you haven’t read Part 1, you can find it here. … I have my theory, but I know the other villagers will need more before they agree to fight back against the monsters. I need more information to come up with a sound plan. The creatures caught me off […]

The Shadow Grotto – Part 3

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is the conclusion to my short story. If you haven’t read the first two parts, you can start the story here. I hope you enjoy! After convincing the man that I was also interested in finding a chimera of my own, he gave me more details about the location she was found. Between that information and […]

The Shadow Grotto – Part 2

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Thanks for coming back to read part 2 of Clever’s story. If you haven’t read part 1, you can find it here. I pull into the now dark parking lot in front of “Puppies and More” at 5 til 9. The sound of my car door closing seems too loud, and I try to soften the steps […]

The Shadow Grotto

I tap my fingers on my desk, as I wait for the website to load with last night’s winning lottery numbers. It’s like walking to check the mailbox when you aren’t expecting anything, but you go anyway just in case there’s something important waiting. I bought three tickets, but I didn’t watch last night’s news. I heard talk in the […]