The Enchantress’ Challenge: The Cavern of the Dead

This is the second chapter of The Enchantress’ Challenge. If you haven’t read the first chapter, The Gorgon, you can read it here. Kavarus had thought Shadesmere was dead, in the sense that it was bare and lacking in human presence, but now he realized he wasn’t quite right. Shadow’s End is like the personification of Death himself. A living, […]

The Enchantress’ Challenge: The Gorgon

With a roar, Kavarus pierces the beast’s heart with his longsword. Now, I am ready, he thinks smugly. If he can slay the great Cyclops, then he can face any challenge the enchantress might throw his way. Kavarus marches home, stopping outside of his stone dwelling to clean his sword. Once it is glistening, he places it on the rack […]

Straw Man

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Today we have a guest author on our blog. We’re very excited that Charlie Lowrey has allowed us to share his story here! It’s the perfect story to kick off the spooky season. Speaking of spooky season, make sure to check the end of the post for some Halloween fun! The street is a ghostland, a dilapidated […]