The Pizza Boy

We have a special post this week from The Guest. “Another pizza delivery boy has gone missing last night. Jonathan Harting’s car was found abandoned in a ditch off Carter avenue around 2 a.m. after he departed from his work to deliver to a nearby neighborhood. When he didn’t return for over an hour and wouldn’t answer his boss’ call, […]

Best Movies for Fantasy Nerds

This week we will be talking about the best movies for Fantasy Nerds! Sometimes you just want to sit back, relax, and watch a good fantasy movie. Here are our favorite picks! We hope you like our list!  Lord of the Rings (extended edition) Of course Lord of the Rings would be on this list! But if it’s not the […]


It had been six months now since the virus wiped out ninety five percent of the population. We lived in a secluded part of the woods in an old abandoned cabin we came across a few months back. We tried to avoid other humans at all costs. The country had broken out into chaos, humans killing each other for food […]

Best Fantasy Horror for Fantasy Nerds!

For this week’s post we will be talking about some Fantasy Horror books! Some on this list just dip their toes in the horror genre but we thought anyone who enjoys Fantasy would enjoy these, as well as anyone who enjoys Horror! We hope you like our list and find some new reads! The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft […]

Secret Magic

Where is this place? I think, as I drive down a seemingly unending dirt road. I was told the property was large and hadn’t been accessed in a number of years, but I didn’t think it would be so far out in the middle of nowhere. My tires kick up dust clouds, and I know I’m going to have to […]