Inspiring Female Authors

This week for Women’s History Month we will be talking about Inspiring Female Authors! Women who have defied their odds and became well known, successful authors. We hope you like our choices! Bronte Sisters Though the world now knows of the famous Brote sisters, their novels were originally published under men’s names. In their time, it was unusual for women to […]


She rose from the ashes From the fire which burned Those whom on her back they turned She wiped blood from her brow Looking down in disgust At the remains of those she used to trust Countless times in the back she was stabbed Though none were more painful than the last Forgive and forget  Not a chance in hell […]

Best Fantasy Heroines

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! In honor of Women’s History Month, we have decided to make all our posts and stories this month about strong women! Check out the first story in this series, The Spell Merchant. This week we are covering a topic that is very dear to us…Best Fantasy Heroines! We have both grown up with books and been inspired […]

The Spell Merchant

Lyursa dropped the rat tail into the cauldron and it began to bubble. She reached into the basket to her left and stripped a sprig of rosemary leaves from it’s stem. She gently crushed the leaves in her hand, releasing the earthy fragrance, before adding them to the mixture. Grasping the wooden spoon leaning in the cauldron, she stirred precisely […]

Book Review: Fiction Tinker’s Guide to Whimsical Worlds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Today we are sharing our thoughts on a new worldbuilding book that we think will be helpful to our fellow fantasy authors. Read on for our review, the book blurb, and where to purchase Fiction Tinker’s Guide to Whimsical Worlds! ✨Review✨ Before reading this book I had been stuck in the middle of my novel, looking for […]