Court of Sorcerers – Epilogue

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Did you think Court of Sorcerers was finished? Well, we have a surprise for you…an epilogue! We will get to that in a moment, but first we have an announcement. Have you been looking for a place where you can talk about all things fantasy with a group of fellow Fantasy Nerds? Maybe you’ve heard of our […]

Court of Sorcerers – Part 5

If you haven’t read Part 1 of Court of Sorcerers, you can find it here. … There was one problem that still stumped Elyscia: how to deal with Nicolaus. She needed to give him an antidote to the love potion so she could end the engagement, especially now that things were escalating with her and Renout. If anyone suspected their […]

Best Writing Tools For Fantasy Nerds

Welcome Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be discussing our favorite writing tools. Writing tools can be anything from a physical item you use for writing, or steps you take to focus on your writing, continue reading for our favorites! Bullet Journals On our recent writing retreat, Clever gifted me with an Archer & Olive bullet journal that matches her […]

Court of Sorcerers – Part 4

This is Part 4 of this short story. You can read the beginning by clicking here. … They had accomplished two goals with one potion: they had confirmed the effectiveness of said potion, but also sowed distrust between the King and his court astrologists. Everything was going according to plan. But now, Elyscia had an invitation to answer. “My love,” her […]