The Hollow Tree – Part 2

This is the conclusion to WTF’s story. If you haven’t read part 1, you can find it here. The Lunar Celebration was upon us, and tonight was the night I would approach the Hollow Tree. I was lost in thought as I was mixing my sleeping draught, crushing the fine herbs into a creamy paste. I corked the glass vial […]

The Hollow Tree

There is a legend in my small town, about our Hollow Tree. No one knows how long it has been there, and no one knows where it came from. It has been a focal point of our culture since any of us can remember. The Hollow Tree earned its name because it is seemingly hollow. When you rap on the […]

How Long a Minute Lasts

This week we have a very special story for you guys from The Guest. I had never been to a ritual before. Before my revelation as I looked into the cup, I was unaware I was at one now. My “friends” had invited me over to play a game of King’s Cup to warm up to the group, but they […]