Best Restaurants for Fantasy Nerds!

In this post we will be talking about the Best Restaurants for Fantasy Nerds! It’s a list of our favorites or ones we want to visit.  Be Our Guest This restaurant, located in Disney World, gives you the experience of dining in Beast’s castle, and it does not disappoint. The atmosphere is nothing short of enchanting. You can view Belle […]

The Mastermind – Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 of The Mastermind, you can find it here. Now for Part 2! We start with the background research on all the involved parties. Sorren finds every detail about them, from where our client ate lunch last Tuesday to when our potential victim last took her Pomeranian, Buttercup, to the groomer. “Who gets a Pomeranian?” […]

The Mastermind – Part 1

I know, I know. Us outlaws are supposed to slink into the crowded inn wearing a dusty black cloak that’s faded to grey. We’re not supposed to draw attention to ourselves. But I can’t help it that my favorite color is bright pink. And if you’re going to wear such a fine pink cloak, you should wear it well, am […]