Clever&WTF’s Best New Writer of 2020!

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! You may remember that we announced a writing contest for “Clever&WTF’s Best New Writer of 2020”. We are ready to announce our winner! Congratulations to Katie Tomasko!!! You can read her fabulous, contest-winning story below: The Nameless Four days it had been, she realized, as the sun crested over the horizon, already burning off what coolness was […]

How to Build Confidence in Your Writing Ability

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! In the past we have mentioned that in order to succeed in your writing, you need to have confidence in yourself. So how do you build that confidence in your writing abilities? We’re here to share with you our path to believing in ourselves. It is something we are always working to improve, but that we both […]

Red Eyes

I was maybe seven or eight, we lived on base because my father was in the military, so we had a small house. My two brother’s had their room while I shared a room with my older sister, and one night I had never been more thankful she was there.  I slept with a teddy bear and my sister said […]

Best Restaurants for Fantasy Nerds!

In this post we will be talking about the Best Restaurants for Fantasy Nerds! It’s a list of our favorites or ones we want to visit.  Be Our Guest This restaurant, located in Disney World, gives you the experience of dining in Beast’s castle, and it does not disappoint. The atmosphere is nothing short of enchanting. You can view Belle […]