Inspirational Journal for Writers

Welcome, Writers! We found this great idea for a positivity journal and thought it would be a helpful idea for writers. We took the ideas provided and tweaked them a bit to make them specific to writers. We thought it would be fun to share the ideas with you, in case you needed some inspiration. Read on to see how […]

Best Songs to Inspire Writers to Go After Your Dreams

Welcome, Writers! Listening to some inspiring songs inspired this post, so we decided to share with you our favorite songs to motivate you during the times when chasing the author dream gets difficult. We hope you enjoy these songs! “Daydream” by Lily Meola Clever first heard this song on America’s Got Talent and immediately shared it with WTF. We’ve both […]

Writing Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You

Welcome, Writers! Today we thought we would share some of our favorite quotes about writing, and why we like them. We could all use some motivation and inspiration every once in a while. We hope these quotes are helpful to you! Read a Lot If you’re a writer, it’s certain that you read a hefty amount of books as well. […]