Ireland’s Salvation

Maewyn returned to Ireland in the dead of night, but few would recognize him as the slave he had once been. He came on a mission, but not one of revenge. His mission was more important than exacting vengeance on the pirates who ripped him from his home as a youth. He would have to put that behind him now, […]

The Threads That Connect Us

The wizard weaves and eyes his shimmery threads. He sees where the man is, and where he must go, but how to get him there? He contemplates the other string blocking the man’s path, but knows he cannot move it. The wizard sees that there is only one option. He grabs the man’s string and tugs it. The man pitches […]


I was lying on my favorite outgrown tree branch. It was a perfect cloudless day, the sun felt incredible on my body. My favorite thing to do was sunbathe, I could practically feel each distinctive sun beam, every one with a different but always delicate kiss. My second favorite thing was to eat, but they went hand in hand, silently […]

Ironic Justice – Part 2

If you haven’t read part one of Ironic Justice, you can find it here. … Luna helps me pass the days spent in my cell by teaching me more about familiars. Fairies, she tells me, are perfect for mischievous tasks because of their invisibility. Plus, I can tell they have the personality for it. When I tell this to Luna, […]

Run Away From The Light

I woke up from a tickle on my cheek; I smiled against the warm sunshine on my face and peeled my eyes open. The tickle was from grass, I was lying in a tall field of it with no end in sight. I rubbed my tired eyes in confusion.  “How did I get here?” I thought.  I sat up slowly, […]