Best TV Shows for Fantasy Nerds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! This is the next post in our series, “Best Things for Fantasy Nerds”. Today we are talking about the best fantasy-related TV shows. We decided to focus on some more recent shows, because there are so many TV shows out there.  Game of Thrones Game of Thrones is the embodiment of fantasy. I doubt anyone is surprised […]

This Is Why I Don’t Like Halloween

Ellie stumbled out of her bed, flinging her covers off “Fuck” she mumbled “I slept in late AGAIN” She did this every morning, staying up too late at night, snoozing her alarm about ten times before she actually got out of bed. She quickly pulled on her favorite, but very worn, pair of jeans, and a pulled a hoodie over […]

The Hex Signs

The first time I saw Stephen, he painted a hex sign on my right arm, and I couldn’t move my fingers for three hours. When I found him again the next day, I asked how he had done it. He just gave me a lopsided smile, the kind when someone knows something you don’t, and I decided right then that […]