
It was me. I was chosen, and I was still reeling from the realization. Well, chosen is the pretty way to put it. I was unlucky enough to have my name drawn. Now I will be the next sacrifice. It’s normal, and always to be anticipated that you may be the next one, but it doesn’t lessen the fear that […]

Dangerous Plants for Fantasy Nerds

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Last time we covered the Best Plants for Fantasy Nerds, but while doing our research into witchy plants, we found quite a few dangerous ones. We decided to share their interesting history with you! Deadly Nightshade/Belladonna We’re starting this list off with Nightshade, because it’s a pretty well-known poison and it has some interesting history. It was […]

Storms May Come – Chapter 9

The sand was soft between my toes as I strolled down the beach towards the festivities. Decorations of pink and orange coral and sea glass in shades from green to purple hung from palm trees and adorned tables. I sat on a driftwood bench next to Ailsa. “You did an incredible job with these decorations,” I said as I smiled.  […]

Storms May Come – Chapter 5

After escorting Ailsa and her mother to the Siren Sea to place their offering I met up with Fina.  “How did the young one do?” She inquired. I chuckled and responded “Very well the Sirens did not scare her one bit, she was in awe then excitedly waved to them. She will fare well here, her mother on the other […]

How to Begin Writing a Story

We know from first-hand experience that beginning a story is the hardest part. Sometimes it’s coming up with the story idea in general, other times it’s putting those first words onto paper. So, we decided to share some of the strategies that have worked for us. Start with the Ending If you’ve never heard this before, we wanted to let […]

Best Places to Stay for Fantasy Nerds

Earth and Sky Dwellings We’ve wanted to stay at these Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings-themed AirBnBs for a while now, and once you see them you’ll understand! Earth and Sky Dwellings has two Harry Potter dwellings, Wizard’s Hollow and Alchemy, and one LOTR hut, Dragon’s Knoll. Located in the mountains of North Carolina, they are a relaxing getaway. […]

Storms May Come – Chapter 2

The rage in my heart and the pain in my chest finally quelled enough that I realized I needed to get out of Dreven’s shack before he returned. I thoughtfully put back the leather pouch exactly as I had found it.  What should I do? I thought to myself. I slipped away unnoticed and paced along the shore as the […]