New Year’s Reading Resolutions

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! We’ve done posts before on our writing resolutions and how to accomplish them, so this year we decided to focus on reading resolutions for the New Year. Reading more is a New Year’s resolution we can get behind! To help us in our goal, we got these awesome scratch-off posters of 100 Epic Reads. We thought it […]

Writing Check-Up with Clever & WTF

Greetings fellow Fantasy Nerds! As we’ve now passed the four-year mark on our blog and this year is flying by, we thought it was a good time for a writing check-up. Join us as we discuss our goals, achievements, and what the future looks like for Clever&WTF. Be sure to let us know in the comments what your goals are! […]

How to Focus on Your Writing in the New Year

Welcome to 2020, Fantasy Nerds! We thought this would be an appropriate time to talk about how to focus on your writing. We all want to up our writing game and conquer our quest for author greatness! That starts with making writing your focus in 2020! Let’s see if we can help you out with this. Figure Out Your Priorities […]