The Spookiest Stories for Halloween

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Since it’s Halloween weekend, we decided to do a round-up of our favorite scary stories for you to read. Some of these will be stories we have written, others are from guest writers we’ve featured on the blog, and some will be from outside writers whose work we enjoy. We hope you find a few stories to […]

Clever&WTF Update – Halloween Trip

Seeing as Halloween is right around the corner, and Spooky Season is in full swing, we wanted to share our recent trip with you all! Usually Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Orlando is our yearly trip, unfortunately due to COVID we haven’t been able to go, nor see each other for over two years. It was wonderful to have […]

The Enchantress’ Challenge: Maze of Misery

This is the fourth and final chapter in The Enchantress’ Challenge. To start from the beginning, click here. Kavarus finishes reading the next clue, and turns to Lyendah and Waylon. “My journey continues, but what will you do now?” Lyendah’s gaze flicks toward Waylon, but she doesn’t look him in the eye. They are both silent. “You fools!” Kavarus shouts. “You have […]

The Enchantress’ Challenge: Curse of Shadow’s End

This is the third chapter in The Enchantress’ Challenge. To start from the beginning, click here. As Kavarus exits the Cavern of the Dead, the same dark mist that brought him there begins to billow out of the entrance. It stretches its tendrils toward the town and spills forth at an alarming rate. Kavarus begins to run after it.  For […]

The Enchantress’ Challenge: The Cavern of the Dead

This is the second chapter of The Enchantress’ Challenge. If you haven’t read the first chapter, The Gorgon, you can read it here. Kavarus had thought Shadesmere was dead, in the sense that it was bare and lacking in human presence, but now he realized he wasn’t quite right. Shadow’s End is like the personification of Death himself. A living, […]

The Enchantress’ Challenge: The Gorgon

With a roar, Kavarus pierces the beast’s heart with his longsword. Now, I am ready, he thinks smugly. If he can slay the great Cyclops, then he can face any challenge the enchantress might throw his way. Kavarus marches home, stopping outside of his stone dwelling to clean his sword. Once it is glistening, he places it on the rack […]