Sparkly Things

Perhaps it was a dream, I thought. Perhaps if I pinched myself, I would wake up. But I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to stay in this dream world where everyone was impressed by me. In this world, I had powers. Not realistic powers, like being strong or cool or pretty, all things I wanted to be in […]

Blood Moon

Trees whizzed past in a blur. The sodden soil sunk beneath her weight, as dirt chunks flew up with each clawed paw that effortlessly navigated the forest. The moon was high, and its fullness glimmered above through the tree line. All that could be heard was the rhythmic thumping of paws, and the wind whipping.  Her ears twitched, and light […]

Quick Hacks for Increased Energy and Productivity

We know that one of the biggest struggles for writers is not having enough energy or focus to write. Let’s be real, most of us work full time jobs and have family obligations that leave us exhausted by the time we get the chance to write. This is really true for anyone that’s trying to run a side business or […]

The Cradle

After reading the draft of WTF’s latest story, Red Eyes, I called to tell her a tale of my own. This is that story: I awoke in the dead of night with my sister sleeping peacefully beside me. I glanced around my bedroom and listened to the typical stillness of an Ohio night, permeated with the chirping of insects. Unsure […]