Best Castles to Visit for Fantasy Nerds

This week will be all about castles! We have compiled a list of the castles we would most like to visit, and what we think would be best for Fantasy Nerds! Do you have a castle you have always wanted to visit? We hope you enjoy our list! Bran Castle – Transylvania This castle inspired Bram Stoker’s description of Dracula’s […]

A Fairy’s Tale

There once lived a little fairy named Alyssum. Alyssum was the tiniest of all the fairies in Elfhame. And as you may know, fairies were already quite small. When asked, Alyssum would tell you that she was 6 inches tall, even though she didn’t quite reach that height. She liked to round up. Most fairies were 7 or 8 inches […]

In the Pages of a Book – Epilogue

The book was safe, but more importantly, Janette and Charles were safe. They had settled into their new life together, Charles was in remission, Janette by his side throughout the last year of treatment. They ran the bookstore together, continuing to lend the book’s magic to those who needed it. Roy was in prison for breaking and entering, and assault. […]

In the Pages of a Book – Chapter 4 

If you haven’t read any of In the Pages of a Book yet, you can start here with Chapter 1! Trigger Warning: Topics of abuse Chapter 4 – Janette’s Story The man in the dark jacket was now hovering around the bookstore more boldly. The man was harassing the boy, Lucas, outside the shop. Janette had seen him many times, […]

In the Pages of a Book – Chapter 2

If you haven’t read Chapter 1, you can do so here! Chapter 2 – Alyssa’s Story I had been pacing my room back and forth all day. I couldn’t help but fidget with anything I could get my hands on, my mind racing. Currently, my victim was a bending straw, I was wiggling it back and forth until it wore […]

The Snake in the Hole

There is a hole in the ground on our property where we live, I am forbidden to go there because a snake lives in that hole, or so my mother says. “Don’t go near that hole, Jeremy, and never stick your hand there! That snake will bite you and kill you!” I’ve heard that countless times, and the story about […]

The Tree Castle

Mason marveled at every aspect of his new house, but the backyard was by far his favorite part. Specifically, the perfect pair of trees that just called to have a tree castle built amongst their branches. It has always been his dream, to have his very own castle. And the trees were meant for it, he knew. Where the trunk […]

The House Across The Street

My family and I moved into a new home about a month ago. It’s a nice neighborhood, quiet in a small town. My room is the only upstairs room; the window faces the street and it’s directly across from a house that looks similar to ours. The same sized window of our neighbors across the street faces mine.  “Many houses […]

The Hollow Tree – Part 2

This is the conclusion to WTF’s story. If you haven’t read part 1, you can find it here. The Lunar Celebration was upon us, and tonight was the night I would approach the Hollow Tree. I was lost in thought as I was mixing my sleeping draught, crushing the fine herbs into a creamy paste. I corked the glass vial […]

The Hollow Tree

There is a legend in my small town, about our Hollow Tree. No one knows how long it has been there, and no one knows where it came from. It has been a focal point of our culture since any of us can remember. The Hollow Tree earned its name because it is seemingly hollow. When you rap on the […]