New Year’s Writing Resolutions

Happy New Year! We thought a great way to start off the New Year would be to share some of our writing-related goals with you and ask you to share some of yours. Let’s encourage each other along our journeys! Connect with Our Community One big goal that both of us want to focus on this year is connecting with […]

Quick Hacks for Increased Energy and Productivity

We know that one of the biggest struggles for writers is not having enough energy or focus to write. Let’s be real, most of us work full time jobs and have family obligations that leave us exhausted by the time we get the chance to write. This is really true for anyone that’s trying to run a side business or […]

How to Maintain Your Writing Habit

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! Last time we talked about focusing on your writing and making it a priority. If you missed that post you can read it here. Now we want to share some tips on maintaining your writing habit. You’ve built up some excitement and figured out what to cut out to make room for your writing. Hopefully, you figured […]