Best Songs to Inspire Writers to Go After Your Dreams

Welcome, Writers! Listening to some inspiring songs inspired this post, so we decided to share with you our favorite songs to motivate you during the times when chasing the author dream gets difficult. We hope you enjoy these songs! “Daydream” by Lily Meola Clever first heard this song on America’s Got Talent and immediately shared it with WTF. We’ve both […]

Best Dragon Books for Fantasy Nerds

Greetings Fantasy Nerds! This week we will be discussing our picks for best dragon books. Dragons are synonymous with the Fantasy genre, without them Fantasy would never be the same. We hope you enjoy our list, and maybe find some new favorites! Temeraire Series by Naomi Novik This series has so many things going for it: the brilliant premise, relatable […]

The Hollow Tree – Part 2

This is the conclusion to WTF’s story. If you haven’t read part 1, you can find it here. The Lunar Celebration was upon us, and tonight was the night I would approach the Hollow Tree. I was lost in thought as I was mixing my sleeping draught, crushing the fine herbs into a creamy paste. I corked the glass vial […]

Setting Up a Writing Spot

Items to Make Your Space Comfy First and foremost, you want your writing space to be somewhere you enjoy spending time. Make sure you have enough space to write, a comfortable chair, and an ambiance that leaves you feeling creative. Clever has a large desk with an extra monitor and keeps a pillow with a quote from one of her […]

The Burning

The hermit hobbled into the village, leaning heavily on his cane, he rarely visited unless he was in need of supplies. His face was deformed as if he was sculpted in clay but one side of his face had not been finished. The villagers despised him and treated him as a diseased rat, which was why he rarely crossed through […]

Embracing Your Fantasy Nerd Self

Welcome, Fantasy Nerds! It’s no secret that we are proud of our weird and nerdy personalities, but that wasn’t always the case. We wanted to write this post for all our fellow nerds out there, especially the ones who are a bit shy about their weirdness. We think being weird and nerdy are exceptional qualities! We hope this post will […]

Whisper of the Arrows

My arrows speak to me They whisper Evil, evil, evil My vision darkens My pulse quickens My veins turn to ice I hear the guttural growl I feel the earth shake My arrows whisper Run My feet are stone My vision now gone My quiver quakes My arrows hum I feel them fly I hear them strike flesh An ear-piercing […]

Fantasy Books You Should Read Based on Your Hogwarts House

This week we thought it would be fun to suggest books to read for your Hogwarts house! Each book or series we chose symbolizes each house’s main qualities. We hope you enjoy our picks, and maybe you will find your new favorite! Ravenclaw Intelligent and eccentric, Ravenclaws will enjoy fantasy books that help them to learn. They would gravitate towards […]